
Friday, June 3, 2011

Your Time of Refreshing Is Now | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

I recently came across the Amplified version of Acts 3:19, which reads as follows:
"So, repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to GOD], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, or reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord."  
My soul couldn't help but get happy reading this because there is so much hope found in this one verse of scripture.

Truly my heart goes out to all those who love GOD but have found themselves so far from Him that they feel like just giving up and letting the chips fall where they may.  Yes, they have made mistakes and enjoyed lifestyles not pleasing to GOD; but beneath all that is wrong in their lives there lies a desire for that which only GOD can provide.  (This is why it's so important for me to not judge people based on their behavior.  My focus can't be on judging WHAT people are doing because it takes understanding WHY they're doing it to really help them.)

I want to encourage someone who feels like GOD, who was once so near, is now afar off.  Know that He's NEVER stopped loving you.  Even when you tried everything and everyone else to deal with all that's wrong in your life, GOD NEVER GAVE UP ON YOU.  His steadfast love for you outlasts ALL of the temporary fixes that, after they have given you a few moments of relief, only abandoned you to feeling worse than before.  With arms outstretched, your Heavenly Father patiently awaits to embrace you, His child.

It's not too late to change, no matter what anyone says.  Don't focus on how it will happen, just make up in your mind that you want to change and that you're willing to do what it takes by His power to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Not only will GOD erase all the sins you have committed, but He will refresh you.  (Thank You, Father!!!)  YOU WILL RECOVER from the effects of the heat experienced in that dry place from which you came.  No longer will you feel numb, for GOD will restore the feeling you thought would be forever lost as a result of the dry spell.  As it says in Isaiah 12:3 (KJV), "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation."

Don't wait another day.  Don't deny how you feel for another hour.  
Your time of refreshing is now.  I know you feel the Holy Spirit tugging on your heart strings.  I know you want to be relieved of the mounting pressure within.  Your time of refreshing is RIGHT NOW.  The voice of GOD is calling you.  The way you once knew is closer than you think.  Be refreshed, my brother, my sister, in Jesus' name today.

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