
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Are You Willing To Break Through? (Part 2 of 2) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

The following blog was posted on my former MySpace blog on October 29, 2007.

(Continued From Part One)
The enemy has us all figured out.  He knows which buttons to press, which feelings to arouse, and what tactics to employ to force us to our limit(s).  Why?  Because we fall for that same foolishness time after time after time.  So, let's get real about this thing!  YES, the enemy's got your number, and he's not afraid to pull it if it means thwarting you from making any further progress towards fulfilling your God-given purpose.

We can't avoid pain, so we just need to go ahead and get over it.  Pain is necessary, so don't be afraid of it.  I know that's not probably what we want to hear, but it's true.  We love to hear messages about sweatless victories, everything working for our good, and no weapon formed prospering.  But what happens when you're in the middle of that trial sweating buckshots?  How do you deal with the long process of everything working for your good?  What are you gonna do when that formed weapon is heading right your way?

Realize that your anointing can only be refined in the furnace of your affliction.  And you can take that one to the bank!  So don't use pain as an excuse to quit.  If that be the case [regarding the refinement of your anointing], then you need to prepare yourself to deal with the pain whenever it comes.  See, your trials don't come to make you strong.  Be for real: they've come to take you out of here.  However, when you maintain the proper perspective--that is, GOD's perspective--as well as the right attitude, then that trial sent to take you out becomes an opportunity for growth, refinement and victory.

But you can't get there until you make up in your mind that you cannot quit.  Come hell or high water, you can't give up.  You must be willing to break through!  Whatever it takes to break through the quitting points of your past, commit now to pressing your way beyond the limitations.  Resolve that GOD has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.

If you find that you've boxed yourself in via the idolatrous worship of avoiding pain, then it's time that idol be destroyed.  Grab hold of endurance because that's what you need (Hebrews 10:36).  Distance runners experience a lot of pain, but it's endurance that won't allow them to quit.  They continue running despite the pain because they're in pursuit of something greater than quitting can provide.  Moreover, the pain no longer matters because they know that it's necessary for them to succeed.  And because they already knew that, they trained in preparation for the pain!

You want to succeed, don't you?  Then be willing to break through the quitting points.  If you choose to make that decision, I promise that you'll never live to regret ever having made it.

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