
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Being Set Apart For Greatness | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

The following blog was posted on my former MySpace blog on May 30, 2007.

I was reviewing some notes taken during one of my pastor's recent sermonic messages, and I ran across a particular statement that really caught my attention:
"We tend to put emphasis on people, but God emphasizes His Word.  What sets people apart for greatness is their faith."
It is indeed amazing how some people experience greater or lesser degrees of success, even though they may have been exposed to similar stimuli, experiences or information resources.  The Bible declares that God has given each man the measure of faith, which can be taken as God providing all men faith in equal portions.  However, differences begin to surface once the notion of "working" one's faith is factored into the greatness equation.  Faith itself is invisible.  As a matter of fact, all that is now visible was once invisible.  Because faith is the evidence (or proof) that the invisible indeed exists, it is through faith that we connect to the invisibly existent and release the power of God to realize (or manifest) the invisible in our lives.

You see, God tells us what to do now so we can see the results He's already shown us in the future.  And that's the process.  It doesn't get any simpler.  This is why we must remember that it is our faith setting us apart for greatness.  When God speaks, do you take Him at His Word?  Do you trust Him for the outcome when He gives you instructions (that may even sound ridiculous)?  God is looking for some people who are crazy enough to actually believe His Word and work that Word day by day until the manifestation appears.  He's seeking for persons who are willing to push their faith to the limit, so He can increase it even more.

Ultimately, the potential for real success is much more than ability, as society believes.  Beyond your ability, you must be full of it - faith, that is.  And faith requires work and demands action; you can't just sit on it and expect greatness to come.  Unfortunately, so many people believe otherwise.  They have yet to realize that every means of gauging success promoted by society is false.  The best means to determining your potential for greatness is quite simple: how much of you is the Lord Jesus the Christ influencing?  That's it.  The results you achieve are in direct proportion to your level of faith.  The increase you receive is totally based upon how you utilized your faith.  Begin to increase your faith usage today and further set yourself apart for greatness tomorrow.

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