
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Protect Your Future, Not Your Feelings | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

(The following blog was originally posted in my former MySpace blog on August 23, 2006.)

While getting ready for church this past Sunday morning, I had the television tuned in to Creflo Dollar's ministry.  The message he delivered was powerful, as usual; however, he made a point that resounded greatly in my spirit: when you are hurt, your emotions will cause you to make decisions to protect your feelings and not your future.

That statement got me to thinking about the plight of our youth today, and adults alike.  Unfortunately, many of the youth have had terrible examples in the adults who live before them.  Lacking temperance (or self-control), people react to their situations and other people the only way they know: out of their emotions.  When these perfectly natural feelings go unchecked, the wreak havoc in the lives of those who have not been taught how to bring them into subjection.  Unlearned in combating their emotions, otherwise good people ultimately find themselves in dire straights when their decision-making caters to protecting their feelings.

It grieves me to see others fall victim to the primal urge to protect their feelings (or pride).  So many promising futures have been drastically altered--or even destroyed--because of a split second decision triggered by a lack of self-control.

It's time for churches and pastors to being teaching the people how to live victoriously on earth, not just the pie-in-the-sky, sweet by and by.  People are attending worship services and leaving unchanged because of the lack of sound doctrine being taught to them.  The pastors, ministers, Sunday School teachers, etc. need to wake up.  We're going to be held to a higher standard at the judgment seat of Christ; and sadly, many will not know until then how many futures their bad teaching has either corrupted or ruined.

I urge every believer to find out where you stand.  Please do not wait until a bad situation arises to realize that you lack temperance.  God has dealt to every man the measure of faith, so walk in the temperance that has already been given to you.  It is through the consistent exercising of the measure of faith that it grows and develops into great faith, from which great temperance emanates.

Check your feelings and protect your future.  Your emotions are not designed to preserve you; they only serve you in the present.  This explains why people harbor feelings towards others for years, yet after so long do not know why they even feel that way.  Grasp an understanding of this will protect your future and make dealing with the present much easier.  Selah (think about it).

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