
Friday, February 11, 2011

Stand Firm | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Ever find yourself being targeted for doing the right thing?  My guess is most--if not all--of us have at some point.  A familiar scripture recently begged my attention: "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: the righteous are as bold as a lion" (Proverbs 28:1).  Those who do wrong, according to this scripture, take flight when no one is even running after them.  Of course, my mind began to wonder why wicked men would feel compelled to run when they're not even being chased?  It's so funny that I would even ask that question because the students in the Sunday School class I'm so privileged to teach always hear me say, "What follows the colon explains what's before it."  (Honestly, I've always focused so much on the latter portion of this verse, that I never really paid much attention to the first part.)  But let's examine what follows the colon and get some understanding about the wicked taking flight when not being pursued.

The righteous are "the just," those who have been MADE RIGHT as well as those who DO RIGHT.  Righteous people have been justified (cleared of guilt) and remain guilt-free through a lifestyle that keeps them cleared.  The boldness is literally a place to hide for refuge.  In other words, righteous people are safely hidden, whereas the wicked are exposed.  Therefore, this feeling of being targeted that I alluded to earlier is actually a tactic of the enemy to elicit fear when, in fact, it's the exposed and unprotected wicked who are plagued with the feeling of being targeted.  The wicked flee when no man pursues them because their lack of security creates a sense of paranoia (an overwhelming feeling that everything is working against them).

Now, the boldness this scripture associates with the righteous is BEST described as confidence, security and sureness, which is characteristic of metanoia (the mindset that everything is working for one's benefit).  It's very interesting that a lion is used to exemplify this boldness.  The Hebrew word translated as "lion" in this text actually refers to a young lion (perhaps as covered with a mane).  As I meditated on this, I began to consider how the most notable and intimidating feature of a lion is his roar.  The thing, though, about young lions is that they can't roar like the old lions.  So wherein then does the confidence lie in the young lion?  It lies in his covering because his mane protects him.  Because the young lion looks like the old lions, it doesn't matter that he's unable to release a hair-raising sound into the air just yet.  He can confidently stand firm by simply being who he was made to be--a lion--knowing that everything that happens is for his benefit.

We--the Body of Christ--have been declared righteous, thanks be unto GOD!  We can confidently stand firm by simply being who we've been made to be--RIGHTEOUS.  So, no longer will I feel like a target: I'm both covered and protected, even when I feel weak or like I'm not good enough.  My feet will remain securely planted.  Prayerfully, you will also be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the LORD (1 Corinthians 15:58).


  1. OMG! Amen bro this is such truth! We as the just, the righteous, are unmoveable!! Glory to God! Thank you Jesus for being the Lion my life is to be conformed to the image of so that you can stand among the gazelles (what trials really are...its about perception) and they KNOW who you are but so do you and you can't shake it literally!

  2. Good word brotha. For the believer, everything is working for his/her good. PERIOD! No matter if it's comfortable or not. It is the goodness of the Lord to allow it for our full maturation and blessedness to shine forth. We must settle this: God is forever in our corner. Besides, He's within us and whatever He's in is shielded and protected from arbitrary, unplanned trouble. If you experience it, it is b/c God designed it so for good. Whether the good results are recognized or not. God is not out to hurt, kill, or destroy His very own. He has a plan to administer through your life and is not about to waste time w/ devilish fear tactics. He's wants you strong, encouraged, inspired, and pursuing His pre-ordained legacy for your life.


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