
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Familiarity Breeds Contempt (Part 2) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

You know, as we continue from yesterday's blog post, Christ spoke of a prophet being without honor in his home country (Matthew 13:15).  It's funny how we expect those who have known us the longest to be our biggest cheerleaders. Oddly enough, that's not the case because we've all been disappointed by people who knew us but didn't KNOW us.  One of my favorites quotes from Dr. Munroe is, "Seeing is a function of the eyes, whereas vision is a function of the heart."  It takes vision to see someone's area of gifting: only the heart can look past someone's personality, behavior and appearance to SEE IN THEM something totally different from what your eyes SEE ON THEM.  And unfortunately, many of the people we've known the longest are visionless when it comes to us.  They know our personalities like the back of their hand but never took the time to see beyond that.

I love GOD so much because He sees me through His heart.  It's His heart that reminds Him of what He placed within me, even when my personality, behavior and appearance don't match the gifting.  According to Job 36:5, "God is mighty, yet he does not despise anyone! He is mighty in both power and understanding" (New Living Translation).  Our Father is able to despise no one because His might is inclusive of strength AND HEART.  Therefore, the only way we can see the best (i.e. the gifting) in other people as well as ourselves is by adopting our Father's behavior as our own.  While our eyes may show us what's real (or apparent), we all know that what's seen doesn't always reveal what's true.  It's in our best interest then to become people of vision, seeing with our hearts under the influence of GOD's Holy Spirit.

It is through a vibrant fellowship with the Holy Spirit that we're able to maximize our fellowship with each other.  It's by our yielding to the Spirit that we're able to see beyond each other's exteriors that which GOD has placed in others.  As we're sensitive to GOD's voice, we can hear His instructions concerning our roles in pushing others into their purpose.  Our desire should be to become mighty in power and understanding, just like our Father, so we can despise no one.  People should become attracted to us simply because of our might and how influential we are in propelling others towards their destiny.  So instead of endeavoring to become familiar with people, let's resolve to become mighty in power and understanding.  No more breeding of contempt, friends.  Let's breed the kind of influence that impacts people and the environment for the sake of the Kingdom!

1 comment:

  1. Hot!! I said so much already on part I. God, help us all aquire your sight and vision about people in Jesus' name. Amen!


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