
Friday, February 25, 2011

The Process | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

I've got a question for you: What are you doing to facilitate your process?  When believing GOD to manifest something that He's shown you, there's a process that gets you from the promise to the Promised Land.  Yes, it's A-okay to confess that this is your season.  Go ahead and praise GOD now for the coming harvest.  But are you doing what's necessary now to facilitate the process of manifestation?  Better yet, just how are you standing in agreement with GOD's Word concerning GOD's promise for your life?

Every promise has a purpose.  Believe it or not, there's a reason behind every promise GOD makes; and it's up to us to know the purpose for the promise.  Knowing the purpose of GOD's promises and keeping that in the forefront of our minds ensures we remain grounded.  With the understanding of purpose, we can then develop--by the guidance of the Holy Spirit--functional goals to serve as a series of benchmarks to measure our progress in the process.  Each goal MUST line up with purpose, not arrogance, flesh or competition...BUT PURPOSE.

The process is not about getting revenge on those who have been hindrances instead of helpers.  It's not even about proving anything to the critics or getting the approval of the naysayers.  The process is about the fulfillment of purpose.  And as we progress in the process, we need to be bold in our declaration of the Word of GOD.  It's our saying what GOD has already said (ie "homologeo") that unleashes the power of the Almighty.  Our agreement with the Word gives GOD permission to step out of eternity into time to fulfill His purpose for our lives.  GOD desires our partnership in fulfilling His purpose for our lives.  Therefore, let's do all we can to facilitate GOD in bringing us from the no more to the not yet.

Let's pray: Father, we humbly come as Your loving children brimming with gratitude for all You've done for us.  We thank You for each and every promise You've made to us because we know they're sure.  You are faithful to perform that which You've spoken and our trust is in You for the manifestation of Your Word concerning us.  Father, help us to better facilitate the process of Your purpose.  Heighten our sensitivity to the leading of Your Spirit that we might not sin against You.  May our desires be increasingly conformed to Yours for us so we might move in harmony with You.  We desire to partner with You because we are ready to progress.  Father, continue to shield us from the snares of the enemy and deliver us from those who are under the enemy's influence.  To You be all glory, honor, dominion and power.  AMEN!

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