
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Need No More | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

When Adam fell in Eden, it created for mankind a legacy of need.  Prior to Adam's act of rebellion, there was no such thing as "need" because there was no lack in Eden, which represented the environment of GOD's presence.  Now that we're in the Kingdom, the environment/atmosphere of Eden has been restored and we now live in the abundant provision of our King.  This means that the law of abundance has overturned that of lack within our territory.

Having been born after the Spirit of GOD, we are now engrafted into a spiritual lineage that is "anti-need" and "pro-vision."  There is no legacy of need in the Kingdom (or "King's domain"); and since there's no more need, it's imperative that we adopt a mindset of abundant provision.  Our lives should no longer be characterized by concern or worry about anything because we're no longer dwelling in a state of need.  Our King provides for us and He takes excellent care of His people.  Therefore, we must trust our Father to do what He does best.  Let's make 2011 and the years to come free of worry by looking to Jehovah Jireh to manifest Himself in every area of our lives.

For a more detailed blog post on the legacy of need, feel free to click the following link and read a previous post of mine that I believe will bless you tremendously:


  1. Elton, this reminds me of something the Lord dropped in my spirit years ago. In Christ, we have no needs b/c they don't exist.

  2. Your teachings are so very anointed! =)
    Awesome!I thank God for this wisdom.


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