
Friday, December 10, 2010

The REAL Charismatic Movement - Part Two

Operating in the charismatic is certainly no cakewalk.  As was noted in the previous installment of this series, the charismatic approach to life is really about having a perpetually positive attitude.  GOD's grace (or "charis" in the Greek) empowers us to exhibit behaviors that are radically different from the status quo.

We've all encountered the people who claim to be filled with the Holy Ghost and go into all kinds of histrionics during worship services, but don't exactly live up to the hype outside of the sanctuary.  It really makes you wonder, doesn't it?  I've said many times that the same Holy Ghost who gives us the utterance to speak in tongues is the same one who keeps us from "cussing" (or, for my educated friends, using expletives).  So then, why do we act all brand new with the Holy Spirit when we're no longer in the presence of the body of believers: He's been sent to teach us (1 Corinthians 2:12)?

Sometimes it's frustrating to hear people talk about RADICAL praise, RADICAL anointing, RADICAL, RADICAL,'s certainly not my intention to offend anyone, but here's the deal: we don't have to do anything RADICAL to standout or be different. How about we just follow GOD's commandments? That's RADICAL enough right there. A married man turns down a proposition to cheat on his wife? RADICAL! Actually putting in an honest day's work for an honest day's pay? RADICAL! Maintaining your composure as someone cuts you off on the highway? REALLY RADICAL! These examples and tons more equate to ways in which the grace of GOD can be manifested to show all men just how radical we are as GOD's people. When others see us actually being Christians instead of just casually identifying ourselves as Christians, that alone will intrigue them to know more about our faith and the Jesus who made it all possible.

I mean, honestly...Would the people we encounter Monday through Saturday REALLY follow us to church on Sunday? Believe it or not, that's the impact of the REAL charismatic movement. It's not shout fests, folk laid out all over the floor and people prophesying (or even "prophelying"). It's about the grace of GOD at work in us, working through us (Philippians 2:13-15). It's that grace that makes us living epistles read of men (2 Corinthians 3:2-3). At some point, the charismatic movement must expand beyond the sanctuary walls. However, the only way for it to expand is by us taking it with us everywhere we go, manifesting the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven throughout the Earth for all men to see.

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