
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Even As Your Soul Prospers | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

I've heard III John 2 for what seems to be countless times, but it was not until recently that I FINALLY made the connection.  Honestly, I believe I was just excitedly stuck on the fact that John shared with his readers that he, as a leader in the LORD's church, desired that those under his authority experience material gain, bodily wellness and revelatory insight into the Kingdom. (That's a lesson in leadership all by itself right there, but that will have to be another post for another time.)  This verse of scripture describes the total package--a portrait of the balanced "life more abundantly" I believe Jesus spoke of during His time on Earth (John 10:10).  However, my greater understanding of 3 John 2 was achieved when I made the following connection: as my soul (the seat of my mind, will and emotions) prospers in the things of the Kingdom, I'm assured of material gain and divine health.  This is the paradigm for experiencing Heaven on Earth.  If your whole concept of Christianity is "living to live again," then I challenge you to expand your concept of salvation beyond "eternal life" to include "life right now."

As we seek to learn more about the Kingdom of Heaven and its culture, our ability to manifest the atmosphere of Heaven on Earth is directly connected to our adoption and implementation of Heaven's culture.  Simply put, when we operate according to Kingdom principles, we see Kingdom results.  As our minds (or thought processes) are renewed by the Word of GOD, we begin to take on more and more of Heaven's culture.  This is what leads to the transformation Paul referred to in Romans 12:1-2As we're transformed in our souls to reflect more and more the culture of the Kingdom, we should begin to increasingly see divine manifestations of GOD's power in our midst right here on Earth.

The power of GOD exists and is available to us today.  Our ability to experience that power is contingent upon us, not GOD: He has no problem manifesting His glory, but we seem to have a problem creating the environment our Father requires for this power to be released.  It should be our utmost desire to adopt whatever lifestyle changes are necessary to create the ideal atmosphere for GOD to move throughout the Earth like never before.  It is my prayer that our spirits are so stirred by this desire that we become restless, even irritated, because--if we haven't noticed--the degree of urgency for GOD's people to rule, reign and dominate in the Earth has been severely heightened.  So let us answer the call with haste to adopt the revelatory truth of GOD's Word, that we may prosper and be in health.  SELAH!

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