
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Focus, Focus, Focus | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

When I read the following Facebook status early this morning, it got me to thinking about what it means to focus:
"There's nothing like the power of focus...It's how achievers get things done."
I posted my initial thoughts as a comment, which read: "Focus is a product of willpower; and if you don't have the heart to do what you gotta do to achieve, you'll never be able to focus long enough to accomplish anything." From there, my mind was racing because the Holy Spirit dropped those words in my spirit, and I then saw just how interconnected this insight was to my own life.

Achievement doesn't happen by accident. It's the product of strategic planning and willful follow through. Once it's decided to pursue a certain goal, a plan of action of must be devised because if we don't know where we're going, any road will get us there. After plans are made, it then becomes critical to follow up our faith with corresponding action. Otherwise, we run the risk of entering the paralysis of analysis. This is where it then becomes a heart matter. How willing are we to do what's necessary to pursue our goals? Sacrifices must be made in order to implement our plans. Therefore, if our hearts aren't in it, we'll never be able to position ourselves in the focus zone. It's when we're able to focus that we gain the perspective required to tune out the unnecessary and achieve our goals.

By all means, never doubt that whatever GOD places on our hearts can be achieved: with Him all things are possible to them that believe. When we received salvation, we confessed with our mouths and BELIEVED IN OUR HEARTS that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of GOD. Believing is not just mental. It's a state of mind that compels one to take action, to do something. So get off your blessed assurance today, friends, and FOCUS on doing whatever it's going to take to get you to your place of achievement.

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