
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Consistency Is Back-Breaking | The Worshipper's Thought Of The Day

During this past Sunday morning's message, one of the "Ah-Ha" moments I had was when my pastor said, "Consistency is what's going to break the back of the enemy."  That's so true!  Too often we look for deliverance to be instantaneous.  In most cases, however, deliverance is a process.  That's why Bible says that we must WORK OUT our soul's salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).  The soul of man (his mind, will and emotions) requires a disciplined, regimented program of work for the effectual manifestation of deliverance.

Whether it be an addiction or habit, a damaged mindset or a haunting past, whatever it is that the enemy is using to trap GOD's people into a life of bondage CAN BE BROKEN in Jesus' name.  Once you make up in your mind that this is it and that the buck stops here, it takes choosing to be consistently consistent in proactively combating the enemy's attack.  So, no more entertaining it.  No more putting yourself in the position to be influenced by it.  No more excuses as to why you can't move beyond it.  You must know that it will mean deleting certain contacts from your address book; no longer making appearances in certain places; and even ceasing from thinking or being concerned about the object of your deliverance.

Understand that the enemy EXPECTS us to be inconsistent in our thoughts, but GOD has given us the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).  Satan knows how to play dirty, dangling the most alluring of bait in front of us; but GOD has given us power over all the ability of the enemy, and nothing he does shall by any means harm us (Luke 10:19).  Demonic principalities and powers even influence those closest to us to offer unwelcome reminders of past mistakes as well as warnings of the potential for future failure; yet there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, to them who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit (Romans 8:1).

Being consistently consistent is part of our culture as citizens of GOD's Kingdom. It's also representative of our heritage as children of the Most High. Therefore, let's break the back of the enemy and send a clear message to his cohorts that the Kingdom of Darkness has no place here amongst the people of Light. We will not be pimped into a life of bondage while claiming to be part of the Body of Christ. We're free, healed, delivered and set free: no cliche, just the truth!


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