
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In GOD's Presence - Part Nine

When provision is priority, need is unnecessary.

GOD NEVER intended for us to have needs. Yes, those are strong words, but they're the truth. We inherited the legacy of need from Adam & Eve, whose act of rebellion set mankind up to be born, to live, and to die in need.

Prior to man's eviction from Eden, he dwelled in a perpetual state of provision. GOD did not meet Adam's needs in Eden because no such thing existed there. Why so? Because GOD provided for Adam. Adam was designed with a GOD-ordained purpose in mind, and he was equipped by GOD with every tool and resource necessary to fulfill his assignment. Therefore, we can conclude that provision ("pro" meaning "before"; "vision" meaning "the ability to see") is proactive, it's an offensive measure envisioned and implemented beforehand to ensure success. When provision is priority, need is unnecessary.

When sin entered the earth realm, man lost dominion of the earth and its resources, thereby cursing his environment and halting GOD's provision. No longer would the earth freely yield its fruit; but man would be forced to toil and labor for everything he obtained, even his righteousness (right standing with GOD). He would spend the balance of his life merely reacting to his surroundings and never dominating. This is when "need" enters the picture, just as provision exits. Man, now disconnected from his Source and oblivious to his purpose, is forced to make sense of his surroundings minus the spiritual relationship formerly enjoyed with his creator. The five senses become the portals through which man lives and interacts with his surroundings. His mentality then becomes that of a survivor, which (for those believers who feel so inclined to identify themselves as such) is not what GOD created man to be. The will to survive is born out of a life of sin, which is man's only hindrance from the life of victory, purpose and provision that GOD desires for us IN HIS PRESENCE. Needy people are simply people who live purposelessly outside of GOD's presence: they have no idea who they are and aimlessly go about life trying to find themselves the wrong way.

When we're in rebellion, we're not in GOD's presence (Eden). We find ourselves cast out of the ideal established atmosphere, now standing in "Need". Oh yes, did you not know that Need was a place? Why, it's that place where plans go haywire and, despite what seems to be your best efforts, you can't ever seem to get ahead. You're always reacting to situations, constantly on the defensive. Some of us even say, "Well, that's just life," and proudly wear our struggle to make it each day as a badge of honor.

As far as GOD's kingdom is concerned, this is totally unacceptable and unconstitutional! Born again believers are supposed to be daily living in GOD's presence. As kingdom citizens, we have rights. So why are we living in self-imposed exile? Why are we dwelling in a place that does not extend to us (or even recognize) the rights and privileges that have been afforded us by the King Son?

Everything GOD created with a purpose is guaranteed provision to fulfill that purpose BEFORE it even begins to operate IN its purpose. For example, your vehicle's purpose is to mobilize you from one destination to another. That's quite simple. Before you purchased that brand new vehicle, it was designed, built and equipped with all the necessary tools to fulfill the aforementioned purpose, so much so that the manufacturer issued you a product warranty. This guaranteed that their product would operate according to the manufacturer's specifications for a specified period of time as long as the vehicle is being operated in its ideal established environment (that is, under the proper conditions). Now how much simpler can this thing get?

If you find yourself needing from GOD, it's time you evaluate the quality of your fellowship with Him and change your thinking regarding this matter of need. I know I have. GOD is not our need meeter; He's Jehovah Jireh, our provider. Therefore, it's time we commit to maintaining a life in GOD's presence in pursuit of purpose, that we may dwell in a state of provision just as Adam and Eve did before the fall of man.

Until next time, be blessed beyond measure!

1 comment:

  1. Elton- this installment is great b/c about 3 years ago when I lived in Chicago, after meditating on the Word one evening, I made this confession - "I have no needs". I was thinking along the same lines as you speak. If God has already made provisions for us regarding everything, then needs are non-existent. However, our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and subsequent obedience will be what will bring this revelation into a reality.


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