
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yet He Abideth Faithful | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

In a conversation with a friend, the phrase "He abideth faithful" came to me in such a way that I had to make a mental note to explore this verse in my study time.  It's actually found in 2 Timothy 2:13, which reads in the King James Version, "If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself."  The Apostle Paul of Tarsus is instructing his protege, a young, lachrymose pastor by the name of Timothy, in this epistle.  Verse 13 is actually the end of a "faithful saying" (2 Timothy 2:11-13) that Paul shares with Timothy.  It's the "basic essentials" found in this saying that Paul admonishes the neophyte pastor (in 2 Timothy 2:14) to reiterate to the congregation before GOD so they don't get caught up in "pious nitpicking, which chips away at the faith" (The Message Remix).

One of the things I've learned in my own walk with the LORD is that the Word of GOD clearly speaks for itself.  Once upon a time, I would get up in arms and debate people over what the Bible says and/or doesn't say.  However, with maturity comes growth, and I thank GOD that I've been converted from such behavior.  The Bible says what it says: it simply is what it is.  Either people get it or they don't.  And once the Word has been explained, there's nothing more I can do of my own accord to convince someone to receive it as truth.  I can only pray that the eyes of people's understanding be enlightened concerning that which has been presented.  Therefore, I refuse to go back and forth with anyone because it's a complete waste of my time and energy.  Such disputings simply chip away at the faith or, as it says in the King James version, contribute to the "subverting (upsetting) of the hearers."  Our discussion of the Word of GOD with others should not be so heated that it becomes catastrophic.  When it gets to that point, the flesh has pretty much taken over because now those involved have something personal to prove, as opposed to proving the Word.

But here's the part I love most! As Paul stated in verse 13, our lack of belief--even to the extent that we would be disobedient--has no effect on GOD's trustworthiness.  Why? Because GOD cannot contradict Himself.  (GOD's not going to change just because someone doesn't believe Him.  Human beings, on the other hand, will change when people don't believe them because human reasoning fails to justify the burden of updholding an unbelievable standard and deems it to be futile.)  That right there just makes my soul happy because, even when we contradict the Word via our disbelief and disobedience, GOD remains true: He does not possess the ability to compromise His holiness.  Our Father is consistently consistent--what He does is consistent with what He says and who He is.  GOD's perpetual presence as One who can be ever trusted--even when others disbelieve Him--makes Him unlike any other.  He is truly deserving of our worship (or worthship) because He alone is worthy as One who yet abides faithful.

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