
Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Achor Holds | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

This morning was particularly unusual because I just didn't feel like myself when I woke up.  And the crazy thing?  I really didn't know WHY I was feeling this way.  I just couldn't seem to shake this awkward uneasiness, but I managed to pull myself together and head to the office.  However, before leaving my residence, I made up in my mind that I was NOT going to be subject to this mood for the rest of the day.  With too much to get done today, there was NO WAY that I would allow my productivity to be hindered by something that couldn't even be explained.

So I did what I both was taught to do and knew would work: P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens).  There is something about an atmosphere saturated with prayer that will lift the heaviest of burdens and terrorize even the most resilient of demons.  Praying both in English and in the Spirit releases the power of GOD to do what it does best--building up (edifying) the Kingdom citizen.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with praying about situations and expecting GOD to change them.  However, I've learned to esteem higher GOD's ability to change me as opposed to changing my circumstances.  If I allow Him to change (conform) me to the image of Christ, then I can respond to the circumstances in a way that evokes the power of Heaven's government to change the situation.  GOD's allowance of adverse circumstances to arise occurs to place demands on our ability to manifest Heaven's culture, thereby manifesting Heaven's power here in the Earth realm.  And it's when Heaven's power is manifested that Heaven's results are achieved for mankind to see.

Throughout the morning, I prayed and listened to music that kept me focused on pushing through this undesirable mood.  By mid-morning, several friends--with whom I usually correspond--messaged me to ask how I was doing today, not knowing what I was facing.  I simply responded that the day got off to an unusual start but that I was hopeful things would change.  Even though I was still feeling uneasy, my eyes were set on feeling like myself once again.  I was encouraged when, in a moment of solitude, I heard my spirit man say, "My anchor holds."  That right there was the reassurance I needed to keep on pushing through this situation.  Metaphorically speaking, an anchor is "any stay or safeguard," and Hebrews 6:19 describes hope as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul.  Since my hope is in Christ, it is He who safeguards me from shifting circumstances.  Jesus is TRULY the anchor that holds!  He stays me from being moved by the current of life's waters.

You know, one of the things I'm extremely grateful for is the faith to offer prayers and praise UNTIL the release manifests.  It's so easy to say a quick prayer and go on about one's day, or listen to a couple of uplifting songs and keep it moving.  Persisting in prayer and praise, however, exhibits one's seriousness concerning the matter at hand.  The situation might not change while in prayer, but another great insight I've learned is that every occurrence in the natural is the result of one that first occurs in the spiritual.  As we P.U.S.H., what we should anticipate is something happening in our spirit man.  There should be an unmistakable shifting experienced that triggers an internal release that comes forth as an overwhelming offering of praise and thanksgiving.  And that's exactly what happened around midday.  I was so beside myself in my cubicle I didn't know what to do.  It took everything within me to maintain my composure because, after all, I was at work.  But I felt the weight being lifted off of me and couldn't help but magnify GOD because He answered my prayer.  I don't like not feeling like myself, so it was a BIG DEAL to me experiencing such a powerful release in my spirit.  And later today, the two friends who checked on me this morning and stood in agreement with me for the release BOTH experienced breakthroughs today in their own personal lives.  Talk about GOD be the glory!

I realize this post is a lot more personal than most I've written, but it was very important for me to share this experience with you.  Things happen in our lives that we sometimes can not even explain.  However, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal--but they're spiritual--which is why they're mighty THROUGH GOD to the pulling down of strong holds.  The weapons of prayer and praise are capable instruments of military service in the realm of the spirit because GOD has made them powerful enough to destroy strong holds.  As we obey GOD and manifest the culture of His Kingdom, we experience the power of the heavenly government via the demolition of strong holds.  And even when it seems like the praying and praising isn't working, we can be confident in the LORD being the strength of our lives (Psalms 27:1-3) because our anchor holds.

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