
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Enforce Satan's Defeat | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

I don't know about you, but I'm just about tired of the enemy running all roughshod over GOD's people.  Anyone who knows me knows that I try my best NOT to give Satan any airtime, but sometimes you've just got to let the hell chaser in you make a quick cameo appearance so the devil can be reminded of--as my pastor says--"how the cow ate the cabbage."  Let it be known now, henceforth and forevermore that we're here to enforce Satan's defeat. That's right!  The works of the devil have ALREADY been destroyed, according to 1 John 3:8, because this destruction was the purpose for which the Son of GOD was manifested.  And it's time out for us, the children of the Most High GOD, accepting the foolishness of fallen angels and their defeated leader.

EVERY structure the enemy has erected has been destroyed.  Whether it be sickness, poverty, spiritual damnation, abuse, confusion, low self-esteem, addiction, hatred, fear...WHATEVER it may be...Thanks be to GOD, Heaven's demolition crew has reduced it ALL to rubble.  Part of Jesus' four-fold ministry, as outlined in Matthew 4:23-24, was healing the sick and delivering those who were afflicted by demons.  What we must understand, friends, is that--as Dr. Myles Munroe best put it--"deliverance is instantaneous, but freedom is a process."  Yes, Jesus' wrecking ball toppled what Satan erected to make life on Earth miserable, but GOD has given us the power and the authority to stand guard over the remaining rubble.  Every hindrance, disappointment, setback, etc in our lives lies in that rubble.  So we must dare not let the devil grab a single brick from it because he'll erect another structure, if we let him. 

Behold, we have been given POWER OVER ALL THE ABILITY of the enemy (Luke 10:19).  Since we're NOW the children of GOD after the order of the new birth, the devil has no authority over us.  We have divine authority over him!  Our days are NOT to be spent taking ANYTHING from Satan.  The Word of GOD gives us ample instruction on how to walk in authority and exercise dominion over our adversary.  The Kingdom of GOD has come: a NEW government with a NEW set of laws is NOW manifested in the Earth.  As the redeemed, we have been deputized (or empowered) by the Governor (the Holy Spirit) to enforce the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven in the colony of Earth.  But we can't enforce what we don't know.  It's imperative that we know the Constitution of the Kingdom (ie the Bible) because therein lies our power.  

You see, Satan is not going to comply with our praise, our shouting, or our religious histrionics...but he has no choice but to comply with the Word of GOD because IT'S THE LAW of the Kingdom.  Therefore, it's his ultimate goal to keep us ignorant of the Bible's content.  Yes, we can go to church every time the doors are open and even have a "hallelujah good time" while we're there.  But Satan's counting on us NOT getting the pure, unadulterated Word of GOD.  He doesn't want us to obtain any degree of understanding regarding GOD's will, purpose and intentions for us.  And please, don't be both a hearer AND A DOER of the applying the Word of GOD to our daily life situations would just totally wreck his program.  

Therefore, what we need to do is simply trust and obey.  That's it!  There's absolutely nothing confusing about it.  Just trust that the Word of GOD is true and, as evidence of our trust, be found obedient.  This is what sends the adversary into a fury.  Nothing he does can work because the system designed to KEEP him powerless is being actively utilized (Isaiah 54:13-17).  And when we work the system, the system works for us.

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