
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Down Time Is Prep Time | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

We all experience what could be called "dry spells."  These times of disappointment and frustration are usually characterized by little or no productivity.  What's amazing about these drought seasons is that most times we fail to see them coming.  They seem to just show up out of no where and stay for an undeterminable period of time.  In the meantime in between time, we beat our heads against the wall trying to achieve the successful results we're accustomed to experiencing in an atmosphere that's really not conducive for such success.

Therefore, we must handle our dry spells in the correct manner.  Negligence in doing so results in dire consequences that create even more problems.  I've seen so many blood-washed, redeemed people of GOD literally sink into a depressive state that sucks them dry.  People who were once so on fire for GOD end up being doused out by the wet blanket of life all because their response to the dry spell was simply the wrong one.  Even more ironic, though, is that it's not so much that they're doing the wrong thing.  Many times they're actually doing the right thing but it's at the wrong time.  This is why we have to understand the season and its purpose in order to make the best use of our time there.

Typically, the Winter season is characterized by a lack of productivity.  It's during this season that growth is stunted.  Or shall I say that NOTICEABLY VISIBLE growth is stunted.  The winter season is not designed to produce fruit.  It's actually a time of rest.  Constant bearing of fruit will kill a tree simply because it takes a lot of energy and resources to produce.  Once the fruit is harvested, winter comes to grant a much needed period of rest.  Too often we perceive slow or no productivity as problematic.  I'm learning that this is a worldly (or carnal) mindset.  Being in this world, we've been influenced into constantly desiring to bear fruit; however, we fail to see the need for rest, which is not of this world.  And yet we wonder why we're drained, stressed out and frustrated.  The answer is quite simple: we need rest.  When enduring a winter season, we tend to push ourselves to work harder than normal but are still only able to obtain marginal results at best.  This is what happens when we don't submit to the season.  GOD created seasons, yet such behavior blatantly disrespects the concept of seasons.

The best thing to do in the winter season is to invest in ourselves.  Winter is a prime opportunity to provide ourselves everything we need to ensure we go to the next level when Spring arrives.  Mulch the beds, prune back those limbs, and fertilize that root system.  Do whatever is necessary to ensure YOU ARE READY for the atmosphere to change from one of rest to that of productivity.  Instead of teaching in the Winter, allow yourself to be taught.  Don't be concerned about lack of opportunities in the Winter to minister.  Position yourself to be ministered to.  GOD has been so gracious to provide you this time, so gratefully dedicate it to preparing yourself for the exhausting process ahead of producing fruit.  Choose to see the blessing in Winter.  Recognize that being held back is indeed a blessing.  By investing in yourself and resting now, you're ensuring your fruit-bearing longevity while the carnal minded burn themselves out prematurely.

GOD will give you rest in this season because rest equates to readiness.  If you don't get anything else out of this writing, PLEASE get this: Down time is prep time!  That's right, friends.  What people have mistaken to be a potentially damaging setback is only a divine set up for an even bigger comeback.  Once you've received the appopriate amount of preparation to fulfill the next phase of GOD's assignment for your life, THEN He will bring you out of the Winter season.  So focus on preparation instead of elevation.  In GOD's time, the atmosphere will shift to one conducive for fruit bearing.  And when the fruit is ripe, GOD will harvest you and the gifting He's placed within you SUDDENLY so that it can be shared with the world.


  1. It's been a while since Ive been on here, but every time I come it's right on time. Praise God. Thanks for your obedience Elton. Be blessed and continue to be a blessing

    1. That's one thing I love about GOD's Word, Martinis: it's eternal. It never has an expiration date because it's relevant WHENEVER we read it. Thanks so much for coming by, reading this blog post and leaving your feedback. I truly appreciate it! You be blessed and continue being a blessing, as well, my sister.


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