
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Extracting The Greatness In You

Nothing worth having comes easy.  This is why there are people dying every day who left themselves no choice but to leave this life unfulfilled.  They played it safe.  They settled for good enough.  They chose the familiarity associated with survival over the risk of potentially thriving.

Understand that it's YOUR unwillingness to experience discomfort that's keeping you from being great--NOT PEOPLE.  In order for greatness to come forth, YOU must be willing to step into discomfort.  Yes, the struggle is real; and you won't even begin to scratch the surface of greatness until you're willing to face your self-imposed limitations head-on.

Achieving mastery of what began as a struggle will require you to grind with all your might until you've met the objectives and finally reached your goal.  It becomes easy over time, not in an instant.  So don't go into this thing with the wool over your eyes: oh, you're going to suffer for a while.  This is why you've got to START with the intention of NOT  QUITTING.  You MUST begin with the end in mind.  Your eyes must remain firmly fixed on the goal of greatness as opposed to the discomfort, the embarrassment, the fatigue, the frustration, the WHATEVER distraction that hoodwinks you into quitting.

Therefore, it's time you get up off your blessed assurance AND GO where the greatness in you can be extracted. The overcomer in you won't be birthed in your comfort zone.  The manifestation of triumph demands the emergence of difficulty.  Dare to CROSS the line and step OUTSIDE of the box in pursuit of SOMETHING worth dying for so you can finally LIVE.


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