
Saturday, March 18, 2017

You Have Something To Offer

My friend Chandra Hill shared a story about an occurrence earlier today that got my attention in a very unavoidable way.  She was getting gas and noticed an older gentleman doing the same across from her. After finishing, he got back in his car to leave but the vehicle failed to start.  So, as expected, he popped the hood to inspect things.  However, it still would not start once he got back inside.

By this time, Chandra had finished pumping her gas and was in her vehicle preparing to drive off. But before she could leave, she heard the Lord say, "Ask him if he's okay..."  Her initial thought was, "If he isn't, what can I do?"  The Lord's response was no different: "Ask him."  So she rolls down her window and does what she was instructed to do.

"I need a boost," he says.

"Well," she replies, "I have cables, but hooking them up is another story."

His response: "I can hook them up, if you have them."

BOOOM!!! SHE had the tool he needed!  More importantly, what she learned in--what I like to call--this "fathering moment" is that just because she didn't know how to use the tool, she was not disqualified to be of help to the older gentleman.  It was simply her assignment to be present there in order to provide what he needed and nothing more.  He even expressed to her that she had been a lifesaver!

Now we have NO IDEA what was going on in that man's life at this moment--and honestly, it really doesn't even matter.  (Father knew, which is why He so masterfully orchestrated it all in this way.)  But as Chandra mentioned in recounting the story, "Imagine if I would have driven off, thinking there was nothing I could do because I was focusing on my limitations instead of God's greatness?"  And this is where her words straight decked me across the face: "Don't pass people by because you think you have nothing to offer.  Just show up and let God do the rest!"

When I tell you that I was done, it was over for me...  REALLY!  As I commented to her, that one statement alone pretty much massacred all of my insecurities.  In reading these inspired writings I post, in hearing me minister the Word of GOD and in seeing me lead worship, PLEASE do not mistake me as someone who has it all together--BECAUSE I DON'T!  Yes, believe it or not, I indeed struggle with feeling like I have something to offer.  I cannot even begin to recall the MANY times I have been that person who passed people by because of my own self-perceived limitations and inadequacies.

Mind you, this post is not about me trying to elicit the sympathy of others.  It is more so about me sharing an aspect of my journey that I believe others can relate to; and hopefully, we can all get delivered together.  As we posture ourselves to continually experience the renewing of our minds in this area, what we must begin to see about ourselves is that WE DO have something to offer because of Him who dwells within us.  Yahweh has positioned us to provide the tools necessary in getting stranded people moving once again.  And even when we fail to understand how to use what we have, if we would just show up with it in hand, GOD will do the rest by His Spirit.

So, let me encourage you here as I encourage myself: don't let the misconceptions you have of yourself hinder you from being the lifesaver meant to deliver stranded souls.  Wherever you find yourself, hear the voice of the LORD and be willing to obey, regardless of how inadequate you may feel.  Refuse to deny the Set Apart (Holy) Spirit the opportunity to express Himself through you as a witness to someone else that Messiah ever liveth and that His Kingdom ruleth over all.  If the manifestation of Heaven's culture is the only tool in your possession, then you have MORE than something to offer: YOU HAVE EVERYTHING!


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