
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Hardships Were Sent To Harden You

Throughout our lives, we will experience seasons of hardship.  It is, therefore, not wise for us to view life through the rose-tinted lenses that deceive us into thinking that everything will ALWAYS be pleasant for us, especially as born again believers in Christ the Messiah.  Right here is where sobriety of the mind is necessary in order to endure the afflictions we will--without a doubt--experience.  Sober thinking, furthermore, ensures that our souls (i.e. mind, will and emotions) PROPERLY process the trouble we experience.  When we appropriately handle hardship, the hardness we experience fulfills its purpose to bring forth THE BEST of us and not OUR WORST.  And with understanding of the order of righteousness, according to Romans 8:28, we are better able to see how GOD is indeed HELPING us by HARDENING us to difficulty.

If you would, take a look back over a season in your life that was hard for you to get through.  As much as you may hate to admit it, what you suffered most likely helped you in some way.  And as a result of enduring that as well as other hard seasons of your past, herein lies the good news: thanks to what you've been through, the challenges to come won't even phase you!  Because you know it was GOD who brought you through the past hardships, you can trust and believe that He will bring you through whatever trouble comes your way next.  And why is that?  Because every hard thing you overcome toughens you to face the adversary's forthcoming attempts to defeat you.

Consider when the armies of Israel--while under the command of King Saul--were being taunted by the Philistine giant Goliath (1 Samuel 17:10).  As you probably know, David--who wasn't even part of the armed forces--ended up killing Goliath.  While on an errand, at his father Jesse's request, David was only sent to the battlefield to deliver food to his older brothers who were serving as soldiers.  Well, unlike the men in Saul's army, David--albeit untrained in combat warfare--was in no way intimidated by Goliath (1 Samuel 17:24-26).  David was confident that "this uncircumcised Philistine" would meet his end that day.  Because David had already defeated the lion and the bear when no else was around to help him out, Goliath would be defeated just the same (1 Samuel 17:34-37).  It took David being out in the field all alone shepherding his father's flock and enduring the attacks of wild animals to harden him for that legendary showdown with the giant.

Understand that you are being hardened to difficulty each and every time you face hardship.  So instead of crying, whining and complaining when difficulty arises, remember how GOD lifted you up above the difficulties that have happened before.  Leverage the fact that you have indeed endured hardship to prophesy to the forthcoming challenges that they, too, shall be likewise overcome.  GOD is allowing you to experience trouble in order to make your faith impenetrable.  The circumstances will not silence you, but you will instead go into battle commanding the defeat of your enemy!  Endure hardness as a stronger soldier of Jesus Christ because--just as the LORD was with David--the LORD is with YOU, mighty warrior!

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