
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Take Your Passion Off The Back Burner

Our passions are indeed avenues through which Yahweh can be glorified and people can be reconciled to His Kingdom.  Much more than just mere interests or things we someday dream about doing, our passions point to ideas, experiences, and feelings with which we possess deep connections.  However, in most cases, the things we are passionate about hardly ever get pursued.  It's true!  Life happens and we seem to recall more reasons why our passions shouldn't be pursued as opposed to why they should.  But for those who are ready to live their passions, all of that stops TODAY!

For too long we have talked ourselves out of life's greatest joys, including that of pursuing our deepest aspirations.  No longer must we doubt that there is an unmistakably innate joy found in answering the callings on our lives.  And, although this may sound crazy, it appears that the longer we delay our answer, the more frustrated we become with what we have instead chosen to pursue.  In our heads, the safe existence that meets our immediate needs--almost like clockwork--stays going toe-to-toe with this risky possibility that just may bring the self-fulfillment we've been longing to experience for years.  So what then do we do about it?!

Well, when presented with such a scenario earlier today, what came to mind was how I personally shop for big ticket items.  If 24-48 hours have lapsed since I first took interest in the item and I'M STILL thinking about it, then that means it's a must-have.  Similarly, if you have held a fascination with the pursuit of some passion since your childhood (or other significant length of time), then there's really not much more to think about.  What's stopping YOU from actualizing YOUR potential?  If you've kept the pursuit of a passion on the back burner but are still fascinated by it after all these years, then the fact that your connection to that passion STILL EXISTS is all the confirmation you need that the joy it could bring is "a must-have".  So go get it!

Might I suggest that you pray...  But hold up! This time, pray in expectation of receiving instructions as to how you should go about pursuing your passion.  Your conversation with the Father is not about whether to pursue because that's not even an issue anymore.  This dialogue must be one of you acknowledging that you're ready to pursue and want His directives on what to do next.  Proverbs 3:5-6 reads, "Trust in the LORD With all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take" (New Living Translation).  PLEASE don't miss this: when you begin to seek Father's will concerning the pursuit of your passion, you're guaranteed to receive His insight on what to do next.  At this point, your focus now shifts from what if to what next!


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