
Thursday, July 16, 2009

In GOD's Presence - Part Two

As it was stated in the previous blog, it is God's will for us to exist in His presence, the ideal environment in which we've been designed to function. Therefore, there should be no more excuses for us not dwelling in God's presence.

Understand that our very lives depend on us existing in God's presence because that's where we were created to dwell. For instance, all fish were created to live in water. Agreed? This means that fish were specifically designed and equipped to function in the ideal environment of water. When a fish is removed from its ideal environment of water, it will struggle to merely survive; and if it remains out of water too long, it eventually dies. However, when a fish remains in its ideal environment, it can function according to the way in which the Creator designed it to function.

You see, being in God's presence is more than just a supernatural encounter with the Almighty. It's more than duplicating the atmosphere of heaven in a corporate worship setting. Existing in the presence of God is the key to us realizing God's purposes for our lives, being empowered to fulfill those purposes, and walking out those very purposes daily.

As Kingdom Citizens, we must stay plugged into the home country of Heaven. We can not afford to lose contact with Heaven as we go about our daily routines. After all, Jesus taught the disciples in Matthew 6 to pray "thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven." In order for the will of God to be accomplished in the earth, the people of God must remain in a perpetual state of fellowship with the King-Father. In other words, gone must be the days of God's people "laying their religion down" to take on a carnal mindset and behavioral pattern. It's time for the called-out, blood-bought believers to discipline themselves and manifest to a hopeless, dying world what it truly means to be a citizen of God's Kingdom.

For far too long, luke warm Christians, trying to be powerful in the church and popular in the streets, have perverted the Gospel of the Kingdom with their rebellious lifestyles. The world sees no need in accepting Christ because too many who claim to have accepted Him act just like them. The world sees no witness, no victory & no power in the lives of many believers.

Sadly, our churches are filled with people who are like fish out of water. They come to church and experience the ideal environment for a set period of time, but they're unable to maintain that environment away from the sanctuary. Some even swim in waters polluted by the enemy week after week, barely getting through those dark waters back to the crystal clear waters of the church.

It's time the people of God be empowered to take control of their lives. It's time we determine within ourselves to exist in God's presence. It's time we position ourselves for the great successes God has promised us. THE TIME IS NOW...

Don't let another day go by struggling to do what God has already created, called and equipped you to do. Submit yourself to God's will FOR YOU: life more abundantly in His presence. Meditate on what you've allowed to hinder you from experiencing the fullness of life in the Kingdom, the God-kind of life. Determine within yourself that you're ready to let go of these hindrances, and ask God to remove them from your life. Step out in faith and trust God for the outcome.

Until the next installment, be blessed beyond measure.


  1. Elton,

    Absolutely beautiful blog!

    God bless.

  2. Wonderful. To me I look at God's Presence as God's covering over us as believers. As long as we operate in his presence then we have his covering and are able to do what God has designed us to do in the earth.


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