
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In GOD's Presence - Part Six

Satan has no place in our lives and in God's presence, so why do my brothers and sisters in Christ continuously choose to give him an open invitation for an extended stay?

In the previous blog of this series, it was mentioned that we give the enemy way too much credit...and, sadly, we do. It grieves me to hear God's people going on and on about what the devil did because it's unnecessary.

The saints who are truly living in God's presence give the enemy no airtime. Satan has no place in our lives and in God's presence, so why do my brothers and sisters in Christ continuously choose to give him an open invitation for an extended stay? There's NO ROOM for the enemy in my life, and Satan gets no airtime with me. When he raises his ugly head, he's called to the carpet and handled immediately. That's how we are to operate in God's presence.

After all, David said in Psalm 34:1, "I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise continually in my mouth." (I've heard so many people quote this scripture, but all they're doing is quoting it if they're living defeated lives.) If you're truly going to bless the Lord at all times, then His praise MUST continually be in your mouth, right? Then there's simply no room for us whining and complaining about what Satan is doing. He's doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing: his job. So how about we get on ours?

The Greek word "eulogeo" translates to "bless", which means to speak well of someone. No matter what's facing us, we must continuously speak well of our God and not give the enemy any airtime. Our praise (public lauding of God in words or songs) maintains the ideal atmosphere God established for us. (Side note: God created Eden, but Adam was given authority over the garden to ensure its upkeep. See the pattern?) Praise keeps us in God's presence and positions us to hear from Him.

Take some time to reflect on these sayings and how they can impact your life. Declare today that Satan no longer gets any more airtime because God's praise is continuously in your mouth. Resolve to speak well of the Lord that you may remain in God's ideal environment for YOU.

Until next time, be blessed beyond measure!


  1. As the scripture highlights to us- we shouldn't give Satan any room (place) to operate in our lives. Elton, you penned that notion so well in the above blog. It's in total harmony with what the Lord had me share in my Wordtime Exposure: Thought Management - Part One blog; about Satan always attempting to harm us with our help. So if we keep our focus on Christ, disallow Satan airtime and access- then we can maintain our freely-awarded victories given to us by the Lord on high.

  2. You're right about people giving the devil too much credit. People forget that the devil has no power unless we give it to him. Jesus said that all authority has been given to him when he rose from the dead. Since we have Jesus that means we have the power.

    How about talking about what the Lord has done for a change.


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