
Friday, July 17, 2009

In GOD's Presence - Part Three

"It's not about you needing more of GOD, but about Him getting more of you."

Often times I think about how different my life could have been had I spent more time in God's presence earlier in life. I can't help but wonder how much farther along I'd be in my journey to fulfilling God's purpose for my life. Of course, the past is what it is - THE PAST. However, it's during those times of quiet meditation that I determine within myself that I won't allow the enemy to rob me of any more time in my ideal environment of God's presence.

Once you gain an understanding of this, you'll never again settle for less. We, as humans, are endowed with free will to choose our environments. Our experiences in these environments are the brushstrokes across the canvases of our lives; therefore, we must be vigilant in not allowing any and every thing to happen to us because we are products of our environments.

We can't go wrong living each day in God's presence. A life in God's presence is the ideal environment for our personal growth and development as Kingdom Citizens. There we can expect to be subjected to the conditions most conducive to us fulfilling our God-ordained purposes. Just as the image of a healthy plant indicates that it's received the proper amount of water and sunlight as well as the appropriate nutrients and soil, successful citizens of the Kingdom similarly indicate quality time has been spent in God's presence allowing those personal encounters with the Almighty to impact their daily lives.

God wants for us to be successful, healthy, fulfilled and at peace. All these things can be gained through a lifestyle of worship, a daily life walk with God. It's not about you needing more of God, but about Him getting more of you. If you may be struggling in wholly surrendering your life to God, look at it this way: you have very little (if anything at all) to lose, but you have so much more to gain. God gives us the power to achieve results. Instead of talking about how you wish and hope to accomplish great things, get on the path and start doing great things.

God's presence is where greatness is the norm. In God's presence there's no such thing as miracles because the miraculous is commonplace. When you dwell in God's presence, the cares of this world grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. The ideal environment of God's presence shifts your perspective and causes you to see your physical environment quite differently than before. It's there that you begin to grow and truly experience the metamorphosis God promises to all who draw near to Him.

Until next time, be overwhelmingly blessed!


  1. Elton this is truely awesome. I look forward to reading more!! Luv ya, Tankey

  2. Elton you are truly a gift from God to me. God has gifted you in so many areas, but one remains so evident is "worship", for you are a true worshipper. I only pray that God would lead me in all of my many decisions and help me to become greater than I already am!

  3. This post brings to mind a message that was taught by Pastor Caldwell more than ten years ago. I can't remember the scripture but it said something to this effect. If you save you life then you lose it. If you lose your life then you gain it. In other words if you give your life to Christ and put Him and your minitry for Him on the forefront then all other things in your life will line up. If you do it the other way then you will never quite get a handle on things.


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