
Sunday, July 19, 2009

In GOD's Presence - Part Four

We must be willing to kill those things which interfere with our ability to daily live in God's presence.
In the presence of God, we experience change. Many people purposefully (and/or even subconsciously) avoid entering into God's presence because they're not willing to change. The mindset at work here wills to have a relationship with God on their terms and their terms only, which is basically a set-up for a life of defeat.

When we look at the pattern of worship in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament, the people had to bring a sacrifice. We're not talking about any kind of sacrifice here. God required high quality livestock be brought to Him that it might be killed and offered up to Him on the temple altar. Both something living and of value had to be put to death that a suitable environment be created for God to fellowship with man.

Many believers rarely, if ever, experience the manifested presence of God because they refuse to sacrifice their beloved bad habits and behaviors on the altar. We must be willing to kill those things which interfere with our ability to daily live in God's presence. Yes, those things we hold so dear must die in order for us to embrace new dimensions of worship, power and anointing. Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Does your heart the Spirit control? Well, you can only be blessed, have peace and sweet rest, when you GIVE Him your body and soul.

I don't know about anyone else, but it's my burning desire for God to have all of me. Yes, it may mean giving up a lot of things and letting go of a lot of people, but it's my quest to reach untapped places in my worship of the Almighty. Witnessing God move as He did in days of old is well worth the sacrifice. No relationship, feeling, craving or addiction is worth me not being God's conduit here in the earth realm.

So when YOU go to worship, what will YOU sacrifice? What will YOU bring into God's presence to die on the altar? Just as Isaac said to his father Abraham, "I see the fire and the wood, but where is the sacrifice?"; I can hear the Holy Spirit saying, "I see you here praising and worshipping, but where is your sacrifice?" Why experience the manifested presence of God and remain the same? Why breathe His air and not be filled with His character?

I beseech you brothers and sisters to not let that which grieves the Holy Spirit to live within you and prevent you from REALLY living. Remember where we started: God's presence as mankind's ideal environment for fulfilling His purposes for our lives. Real life for us as Kingdom people is life in God's presence. Anywhere and everywhere else is less than ideal, which means you are living beneath your potential.

Think about it...Selah. Until next time, be blessed!


  1. As I spoke to you earlier today, your blogs are a tremendous blessing. I certainly appreciate the gift that YOU are to the body of Christ.

  2. Wow Elton!!!...Wow!!!


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