
Friday, April 8, 2011

Not You, But GOD In You | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

On yesterday, I had a very interesting conversation with a brother in Christ on the topic of trust.  What it made me realize was that it may be time to deal with my so-called "trust issues" with people.  I'd like to think I'm one who shows himself friendly.  And while I can be pretty open with people, I still maintain a pretty well-guarded fence around me.  It's not so much that I feel like I can't trust people with information because anyone who's known me for a substantial period of time will tell you that I generally communicate on a need to know basis.  My closest friends know that less frequent communication on my part doesn't mean we've got "problems": there's just nothing to talk about.  My trust issues revolve around protecting me from disappointment.

I would much rather have absolutely no expectations of others than to be disappointed because I allowed myself to maintain "unrealistic" expectations of people.  This is basically how my lifestyle interprets Psalms 146:3.  I trust GOD because He's the only one I KNOW will not disappoint me.  Because it's not my quest to hurt or offend my friends, I try my best to not make them feel like I'm suspicious of them or even paranoid about the genuineness of our friendship.  GOD has not given us the spirit of fear, according to 2 Timothy 1:7; and I am grateful that, having been made righteous in the eyesight of GOD, my lifestyle has transitioned from one of paranoia to one of metanoia (Romans 8:28).  (Sidenote: For more on paranoia versus metanoia, check out "The Order of Righteousness.")

Of course, the brother with whom I was conversing expressed some concern that my perspective may not have been the healthiest; and I greatly appreciate him being so easy to talk with.  He mentioned that we can't be so closed that we don't allow the Holy Spirit to lead us into ALL TRUTH (John 16:13).  On a more humorous note, he even joked that many people think they have discernment but it's just experienced suspicion, which is very true (and funny) when you think about it.  He continued that the Holy Spirit isn't an INVESTIGATOR, but rather a REVEALER of that which is the Father's will and--respectively--that which isn't.  I couldn't agree more with his words, which made me realize that--although I felt the exact same way--I've failed to effectively communicate my stance on human trust in a way that advances the Kingdom.  So, here goes: it's not you, but GOD in you that I trust.  You see, it's all about the Holy Spirit dwelling in me connecting with the Holy Spirit dwelling in others.  It's here that I'm free to not so much trust others, but to trust GOD in them; thereby removing those self-erected barriers meant to protect me from disappointment.

Let's pray:
Father GOD, as You are seated in Heaven amidst the splendor of Your glory, we excitedly come into Your presence knowing that we're welcome here and that You're just as excited to see us.  Thank You, Father, for loving us, caring about us and nurturing us, Your children.  There's no other like You and we're truly grateful to You for all you have done.  We love You, Father, and appreciate You for blessing us with close friends who love us and desire Your best for us.  We are thankful because you created us to be social beings, and--as much as we rely on You--no man is an island.  Father, keep us in a state of extreme sensitivity to Your Spirit that we might be able to connect with other Kingdom citizens in the realm of the Spirit.  For who better among us to trust than those who are filled with Your Spirit and are led by Your Spirit, for they--according to Romans 8:14--are Your Sons?  In the name of Jesus, we bind the spirits of fear, paranoia and suspicion in our lives as well as those of our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ.  By the power of the shed blood of Jesus, we cast these demonic forces out NOW and command them to flee into outermost darkness never again to return and afflict us.  Forgive us, O GOD, for operating in fear and being led by our five senses (and not Your Spirit).  We repent of our sinful behavior, and we receive now a fresh anointing to build better friendships, healthier relationships and GOD-ordained partnerships that will advance the Kingdom's influence in the earth realm.  To You, Almighty GOD and King, be all glory, honor, dominion and power forever and evermore.  AMEN!

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