
Friday, April 22, 2011

"You're Delivered, But Are You Free?" (Part 2 of 2) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

(Continued from yesterday's post)  We've got a lot of folk running around in our churches testifying that they've been delivered (from "you fill in the blank") and they're not a bit more free than someone on house arrest.  That's right: they just APPEAR to be free!  Sadly, they look the part until THAT FEELING arises or THAT PERSON comes their way.  And because they were ONLY interested in getting out of the situation they were in, they despised the process GOD designed to KEEP THEM out of what they've been delivered from.  Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone, but I have to say it like I hear it: "When you seek to be delivered but seek not to be free, you're positioning yourself to be pimped by your past.  Every time the phone rings and the caller ID says it's your past--no matter how hard you try--you can't help but to give in and answer because IT'S YOUR PIMP CALLING (John 8:34)."

At some point, we ought to want to be free.  As a matter of fact, we ought to be so DESPERATE for freedom that we're willing to DO WHATEVER GOD SAYS in order to obtain it.  The problem is not that the path to freedom is unclear or that we lack the ability to undergo what seems to be a rigorous process.  Our issue is that WE DON'T WANT TO.  Our dilemma is that we'd rather give in to what we've already been given authority over than wage war in the Spirit and resist the devil in the physical (James 4:7).  Is the short-term satisfaction of seasonal pleasure really worth the long-term effects of a life steeped in bondage?  Just imagine the state of mind created by decades of "riotous" living.  Even the prodigal son came to himself (Luke 15:17), but will it take a pig pen experience to bring many of our brothers and sisters in Christ to themselves?  To those who may be struggling with "whatever," must sin leave you wallowing in a putrid mix of leftovers (settling for what others choose to give you), mud (the dirt people have on you and spread about you) and excrement (the unpleasant results/outcomes of your consumptions) in order to realize that you're better off in your Father's house, abiding by His rules and enjoying His abundant provision?

There's no point in settling for deliverance ONLY and running the extremely probable risk of returning to a state of bondage when FREEDOM is available, should you choose to embrace the process.  Just as the Holy Spirit comes to dwell inside of us and sanctify those who have received the gift of salvation, so does He work within us post-deliverance and guide our feet in the path to freedom.  I've known and do know people who wanted to be free from various afflictions and chose to remain afflicted because they were honestly scared they would have to battle the temptations/feelings the rest of their lives and simply didn't want to fail GOD.  Understand this: freedom is simply not yielding to temptation, NOT being tempted.  Don't let fear of being tempted following deliverance rob you of the chance to experience a life of true freedom.  It doesn't matter what you're tempted to do because being tempted does not make you guilty.  It's giving in to temptation and acting on it that manifests guilt.  And it takes the Holy Spirit renewing your mind for you to refuse to allow feelings and temptations to make you feel guilty.  I'm a living witness of this.  It was not until MY MIND was reprogrammed by the Holy Spirit that the feelings and urges began to disappear because--when they would rise up--I was conditioned to no longer associate them with guilt.  Only acting upon those feelings by giving in to them warranted guilt.


  1. This is powerful, Elton. Keep up the good work!!

  2. Thanks so much, Renetha, for reading! As GOD gives me strength and Word to share, I'll keep writing and posting.


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