
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Getting To GOD's Garden | 01.08.13

As I thought about seasons on yesterday, what came to me was the notion that seasons are periods of time in which external conditions affect the manifestation of internal abilities.  My pastor, Erick D. Matthews, Sr. (WORD Worship Center | Plano, TX), referred to something (based upon Revelation 22:2) during the teaching shared on last week that really caught my attention: How is it that the trees in GOD's gardens produce fruit all the time?  To be honest, I don't even recall what he said after that because this question captured my attention and sent my ink pen into a frenzy.  I immediately recalled something Bishop T.D. Jakes once said about the need for winter seasons and rest because even trees would die if they produced fruit all year long.  As cold and bitter as the season may be, winter benefits fruit-bearing trees by providing them external conditions that are not ideal for the manifestation of their internal ability to produce fruit.  Therefore, they are able to obtain rest from the fatigue their systems experience as part of the fruit-bearing process.

In appropriating that information, I was also reminded of something I read in an article years ago, which I believe the author may have borrowed from Dr. Myles Munroe: "The presence of GOD is the ideal atmosphere in which mankind was designed to function."  (For those readers who have followed this blog from its inception, you may recognize this quote as being the launching pad for my first series of posts, entitled "In GOD's Presence," back in 2009.)  This statement came to mind because surely the concept of being planted in GOD's gardens must parallel that of having a perpetual state of being in His presence.  And when in the environment that provides the ideal atmosphere for one to function, I take that as being in a climate that fosters maximum productivity in perpetuum--that is, forever without any hindrance or limitation.  If we apply this principle to "the trees in GOD's gardens," we can conclude that their ability to produce a harvest is not limited to seasons, as are trees here in the Earth, because they're planted in a climate that is consistently ideal.  My GOD...

GOD's presence is a climate.  And it's not just any kind of climate, but an ideal climate for EVERYTHING to be fruitful and multiply.  Not only is GOD's presence an ideal climate, but it's also an eternal ideal climate.  Therefore, we can also safely conclude that eternity is the state of being (or functioning) in a perpetually ideal climate designed to promote fruitfulness and multiplication.  (Look, IF THAT didn't cause a praise to rise up in your spirit, then you might need to go in for a tune-up. I'm just saying!)  But that's not it: it gets better...  The Holy Spirit further impressed this upon me during my fit of scribbling: that which is planted in eternity has the unique ability to be fruitful while in a state of perpetual rest, and this is where GOD wants His people to be.  WHAT?!?!?!  (Okay, anyone who REALLY knows me already understands that by this time I was DONE and fit to be tied.)  Matthew 11:28-29 says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

Isaiah 40:28-31 talks about the everlasting God and how He neither faints nor is weary.  Those who wait upon the LORD will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.  Folks, this is where GOD desires us to be: in His presence! And these scriptures (and many more) explain to us what happens in His presence.  He wants us to share in His ability to eternally function in a fruit-bearing state without experiencing weariness.  He's trying to get us to a place IN HIM where we continually produce fruit without ever getting tired or having need of rest (as one who is fatigued or weak).  But we can only experience this here in the Earth realm by desiring, pursuing and existing in the manifest presence of our GOD, by seeking the eternal while among the temporal.  More than anything, our lives must be about experiencing GOD every day and in every way possible.  We can't relegate Him to certain times and areas of our lives with the expectation that He be ever glorified.  It is imperative that we make a decision to be planted in GOD's presence and not waiver in our desire to either be powerful in the church or popular in the streets.  Only GOD can empower us to be mighty in the spirit and favored by men, so I encourage you to seek His presence daily and all throughout your day that you may experience GOD and His glory like never before in the days to come.

Be sure to check out Part 2 of Getting To GOD's Garden

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