
Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Power of Agreement - Part Two

"GOD took the very worst situation and through the power of agreement created the very best situation."

One of the most amazing accounts of agreement in the Bible is the creation of the world. GOD the Father, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit were in total agreement with each other as the earth was called forth into being. While the scripture does not refer to GOD as more than one person until verse 26 of Genesis 1 ("Let us make man"), I submit to you that GOD in three persons was at work in the preceding verses. GOD the Father spoke the Word, which was God the Son (see the first chapter of John's Gospel account, particularly verse 14), and GOD the Holy Spirit was the conduit through which power flowed to accomplish work in the earth (see Genesis 1:2).

Now, the earth was without form (translated from the Hebrew word "tohuw" meaning "to lie waste"), and void (translated from the Hebrew word "bohuw" meaning "to be empty"). We see an environment characterized by desolation and emptiness. Nothing is being produced and the very atmosphere is valueless. I like to view this as the most extreme form of poverty. The earth was so bad off that it's safe to say that no recession or economic downturn in the history of man can begin to compare to the earth's state at this time. As a matter of fact, this particular environment shows no sign of having the slightest potential to become Eden.

However, here comes GOD exemplifying quintessential holiness -- His Word (GOD the Son) and actions (GOD the Holy Spirit) lining up with his identity (as GOD the Father). GOD's identity, words and actions were in complete, total agreement with each other. They were consistently consistent, so much so that the lack of potential in the environment to produce anything of value was not even an issue. It's clear then that the ability to bring Eden forth was GOD's and GOD's alone. The very holiness of GOD superseded the environment. By tapping into the power of agreement, GOD's holiness thereby trumped the atmospheric conditions present in Genesis 1:1 to create the optimal conditions for Eden's emergence.

We see here in the very first chapter of the Bible how GOD took the very worst situation and through the power of agreement created the very best situation. Having been made in GOD's image and spiritually rebirthed into the Kingdom, we are endowed with the same ability to supercede our environment. Therefore, unproductive or valueless circumstances are no match for your GOD-given power of agreement, which is rooted in a lifestyle of holiness. Know who you are in GOD, not who others (or even you) see you as being. If you find yourself without an understanding of this, then begin to dig in the scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you. Additionally, make a conscious effort to ensure your actions line up with your words and who you say who you are. Don't allow the enemy, other people or even circumstances to cause you to contradict yourself. Being consistently consistent unleashes the power of agreement in your life to transform desolation into paradise.

Until next time, continue to live more abundantly through Jesus, our risen Christ and King. May His strength, peace and love be your portion.

Just in case you missed Part One of "The Power Agreement"...

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