
Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday Reflections

May your outlook on His worthship be reflected in your worship.

As I sit awake in the wee hours of this Good Friday morning, I can't help but think how the death of my Savior Jesus has liberated me from the deadening grip of sin and an inevitable eternity in hell. Moreover, I'm reminded that, because of His sacrificial death in my stead, I'm able to live righteously in fellowship with the King Father and not just die a condemned sinner. It is because the Lamb of GOD -- the GOD man who lived a blameless, sinless life -- was slain that life can even begin to have meaning for me.

GOD SHOWED HIS LOVE toward us by sending His own Son to our rescue. Jesus not only endured a death He in no way deserved, but He voluntarily lived a life on Earth that was far beneath Him. A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, He was tempted in every way possible and was yet found without sin that the blood sacrifice might be acceptable to the Father for the remission of our sins. Not to gain the approving nod of inconsistent men, but to fulfill the holy will of His Father and establish a new system of righteousness for all mankind. A new structure that would abolish the old, which was instituted as a result of the first Adam's rebellion in Eden.

We, the people of GOD, have been declared and made righteous by the precious blood of Jesus the Christ. By His single act of atonement, we are now the sons of GOD and have access to the Father through Him. No longer are we in bondage to the power of sin. Our lives have been released from its grip, and the Governor, the Holy Spirit, now resides in each of us who have freely received Christ's atonement and have been born again. It is He, the Holy Spirit, who is charged with teaching and guiding us in all things pertaining to the Kingdom of GOD, thereby making us a reflection of Heaven's culture and model kingdom citizens.

As Jesus promised His disciples, their sorrow would be turned into joy when they see Him again. And it most certainly was so, just as He said. However, between the promise and its fulfillment, there stood Calvary. False accusations. Blatant mockery. Painful scourging. Immense bleeding. Open shame. Stark nakedness. Utter humiliation. Wrenching agony. But for the joy that was set

I'm forever devoted to Jesus and His way. He saved my life by laying down His own. There's no question as to whom I serve because nothing and no one can separate me from His love. I simply know too much about Him to ever doubt Him or His will for my life. I can sing without reservation that: "Jesus is all the world to me. My life, my joy and my all. He's my strength from day to day. Without Him I'd surely fall. When I am sad to Him I go. No other one can cheer me so. When I am sad, He makes me glad. He's my friend."

As you reflect on your own experience(s) with Jesus and what His sacrifice means to you, may your outlook on His worthship be reflected in your worship. He deserves our most sincere and passionate expressions of worship just because He endured the cross. Good Friday to you! Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. This is very beautiful to know and actually know, that we were loved so much and thought of, that the great Creator (God-himself) would send his only son to Die on the cross for our sins. I think this is an excellent post because God wanted to have a relationship so much with us that he would give the great "sacrifice". And for that I can truly say thank you and I am forever grateful and always in gratitude towards our heavenly father. It is true as well, "I know to much about him to ever doubt him". The one and true living God. Good job- E-Word!!!!


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