As we begin exploring the power of agreement, we first need to establish some basic understanding of the word "agreement". Merriam-Webster's most basic definition of "agreement" is
a : the act or fact of agreeing
b : harmony of opinion, action, or character : concord
According to its Middle English roots, "agree" comes from "at will". Agreement can then be better understood in the context of it simply reflecting one's willingness to be in harmony. To agree is a choice and -- might I add -- a matter of the heart, since biblical allusions to the heart of man metaphorically speak of mankind’s will. I also like how Merriam-Webster explains that "agree implies complete accord usually attained by discussion and adjustment of differences."
Many times we fail to notice that, in our agreeing, we willfully choose to be on one accord concerning a matter. We neglect to see in our reasoning together over a matter just how much we "adjust" ourselves to sound "together" as a unit. One of the best examples of this is that of an individual vocalist singing with a group of other vocalists. Even though each individual vocalist may have a unique sound or timbre to his/her voice, the best group sound is achieved when everyone adjusts themselves to sound like one. We do the exact same thing in life, yet we tend to overlook this. Moreover, we overlook the power that manifests as a result of our congruence and our willingness to converge from many directions to synchronize our thoughts and actions. This undeniable, yet often ignored power in togetherness is what I endeavor to explore in this blog series.
You know, we've all grown up hearing phrases like "united we stand, divided we fall," but do we really understand the magnitude of meaning behind them? Are we as willing as we think to simply "agree"? Or has the spirit of rugged individualism that's been historically synonymous with our nation's culture crippled the citizens of GOD's Kingdom who reside in the land of the free and home of the brave?
It is my hope that through this series, we all gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the power of agreement as well as its purposes in the lives of GOD's people. The Bible illustrates how GOD manifested Himself in, what many would exclaim to be, some unusually outstanding ways when ordinary people simply agreed. I'm looking forward to this journey in GOD's Word as well as the impact it will make on our lives. As I’m blessed, I pray that you are as well. Until next time, walk boldly and unapologetically in the power of the Holy Spirit because GOD is with you and He takes pleasure in your success.
Were you blessed by this post? Then be sure to read Part Two of "The Power of Agreement". (And if you haven't read "The Power of Agreement - Series Introduction," feel free to go back and review it for further clarification on where this blog series is headed.)
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