
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Process of Fulfilling Purpose - Part 3

Knowing your purpose but not how to manifest it can be a very challenging position to be in.  For most people, it's a difficult season often lived through a period of years--and might I add, highly unsatisfying years.  With such seasons come terrible feelings of unfulfillment as well as intense frustration with so much of what may be happening roundabout.  By chance, does the current season of your life somewhat resemble this?  If so, then I hope you benefit from the tiny bit of advice I'm about to share: simply walk in your purpose.

Although it may sound cliche, find yourself putting one foot in front of the other.  Since you most likely already know the direction in which you should be heading, it's time now for you to get moving in that direction.  Commit to engaging in SOMETHING that puts you a couple of steps closer to your destination of purpose, even if it's small.  Bible instructs us in Zechariah 4:10 to despise not small beginnings, so go ahead and get busy NOW!  As this scripture points out, it's not wise to ignore, overlook or underestimate even the slightest start.  Regardless of how insignificant your start may seem, every start has the potential to be finished.

Yes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  But don't stop there!  Daily walk in your purpose.  Build up your momentum, so you're not slowed down by the challenges that arise along the way.  Stay encouraged by celebrating your milestones.  And trust me, as you journey in pursuit of fulfilled purpose, you will find great joy and fulfillment.

Have you read the previous installment in this series?  If not, then please take a few moments to read it now.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Process of Fulfilling Purpose - Part 2

In a recent discussion, my spirit received an on-the-spot download illustrating the fulfillment of purpose that was just too good not to share.  So, here goes: a hurricane lamp without oil has everything required to fulfill its purpose, EXCEPT fuel (i.e. oil) and energy (i.e. fire).  Something of substance must be poured into it to sustain the lamp's work output over time, and something else of a combustible nature must spark to ignite (or activate) its inherent ability to work.  Although the lamp possesses the hardware (i.e. the body or the physical components) to work, it lacks the resources--that is, the fuel and the energy--to actualize its potential.  In other words, the lamp is lifeless and useless without anything to put legs to the faith of its manufacturer.

Bible says that every man has been given the measure of faith.  Yahweh has indeed provided every person the physical components to accomplish what s/he has been created to do.  Furthermore, no manufacturer with a reputation worth upholding would produce a product that is incapable of living up to its claim.  Therefore, as Yahweh's products, we have got to become VERY serious about obtaining knowledge, achieving understanding of that knowledge, and receiving wisdom concerning its application, so we can manifest Father's original intent for our lives.  Fulfilling purpose has got to become just that serious for us!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Process of Fulfilling Purpose

There is indeed a process to fulfilling purpose.  As part of this process, what often goes overlooked is the transformative work being accomplished within us.  When in pursuit of purpose, the pursuit forges the degree of maturity required to experience success on Yahweh's terms as opposed to our own.  It takes mature offspring to understand that what actually makes success, according to Father's plans, so sweet is that it's timed so perfectly.  This is why one of my favorite biblical phrases has become that of "in the fullness of time."

In our microwave mentality of a society, we daily see people willing to settle for "good enough" right now instead of waiting to receive "the best" at the appointed time.  While this largely occurs because of an impatient mindset, some people are simply worn down mentally by the frustration of waiting.  Their frustration further manifests itself in their hearts.  No longer willing to await destiny's arrival, a frustrated person may--with seemingly good reason--buckle under the pressure of waiting in order to obtain immediate relief and easily settle right now for that which is pleasing instead.

My encouragement to us all in the days ahead is that we intentionally ascribe to the words penned in Philippians 4:4-8.  Within these extremely powerful verses of scripture are found life-changing keys that the Set Apart (Holy) Spirit has made available to us for the express purpose of ensuring we fulfill purpose and are matured by the process of its fulfillment.  Since the weight of this topic is resting so heavily upon me, the final weeks of this year will be spent expounding on these five verses in a multi-part series to prepare us for the New Year.  So please be on the lookout for the coming installments.