
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Never Minding The Fog (Part 1 of 2)

Preface: This post was actually written on Tuesday, December 9, 2014, even though I was not able to post it until today.  Since this writing was based upon what happened that particular day, I didn't want to ruin it by rewording references associated with the then-present.  Thanks for understanding.  I pray this post encourages you.

As I traveled to work this morning, a very thick fog filled the air, decreasing road visibility to less than a quarter-mile on the Interstate.  The downtown skyline, which could ordinarily be seen from many miles away, was completely out of sight--almost as if it didn't even exist.  In the meantime, I had my instrumental music playing while talking to the Father in prayer.  There were several things on my heart for which I desired  direction and clarity on from Him.  This year has been extremely busy for me and even presented some very difficult challenges.  And although I can feel the tide turning, there are just some things in my life that have consistently been troublesome for me.  The greatest of these has been identifying, understanding and following GOD's path towards fulfilling His purpose for my life.

I truly love how GOD relates to me by His Spirit...  As I drove and prayed, Holy Spirit began to speak right there through what was before my eyes: the fog.  Through this morning's commute to work, He gave me a prophetic visual of my life.  He then said, "Although you can't see WHERE you're headed, aren't you still moving forward?  Of course you are.  And why is that?  Because, even though your surroundings are foggy, you already know the location of your destination and the route you must take to get there."  It finally clicked! Right there, smack dab in my face was the issue.  The unnecessary busyness and extreme willingness to help others that I've been exhibiting FOR YEARS has been my way of coping with the fact that I'm unsure about the location of my destination.  It also means I can't even begin to determine what route to take in fulfilling my reason for being.

As I learned from Dr. Myles Munroe, vision is simply purpose in pictures.  Think of it as the brochure a travel agent gives you when planning a vacation to a destination you've never before visited.  It's the only thing you have that connects you to the place you're planning to go UNTIL you get there.  And the more you see it, the more excited you get.  Anticipation builds as the day of your scheduled arrival draws near, doesn't it?  So imagine what it's like having NO brochure, NO vision.  Imagine knowing you're going somewhere but have no idea where you're headed.  Instead of there being great excitement, there's anxiety. And when the atmospheric conditions impair your ability to make sense of the things around you, the anxiety only intensifies.  This is where the enemy is most easily able to leverage the fears we've yet to overcome.  Using our fears, the enemy influences us to make wrong turns (i.e. bad decisions) that ultimately leave us feeling lost, confused and helpless on life's journey.

No matter what may be happening around us, we should still be able to move forward, just as I was able to successfully get to work this morning in the fog.  When we are properly prepared for the journey, it becomes that much easier to never mind the fog.  Therefore, Holy Spirit impressed six directives upon me during this morning's drive in to work which I will post on tomorrow morning.  [Here is "Never Minding The Fog (Part 2 of 2)].  I feel these steps will likewise help you to never mind the fog.  Furthermore, I pray that what's been shared so far has started to stir your heart and encourage you to reflect on your own life.  It would be great to read your thoughts, so please feel free to leave your comments and feedback below.

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