
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Rejection Is Protection

In this Thanksgiving season, we're often encouraged to recount everything for which we're thankful.  Well, this past Sunday, my pastor made the following statement: "In this season [of your life], rejection is protection."  Oddly enough, it wasn't my first time hearing him say this in a sermon.  But today. as I contemplated the relation between what he said and this now being the time of year that we celebrate Thanksgiving, a string of interesting thoughts came to mind.

We've all experienced rejection, and many--if not most--of us have even dealt with the fear of rejection at some point in our lives.  And, let's be honest: no one enjoys being denied what they want.  But how many of us are actually thankful for rejection?  That's something we really don't hear people talking about, especially when the overwhelming majority of praise reports and testimonies given are about what people received.  My question, though, is this: is not GOD's protection from the unseen (and seen) dangers of our desires just as worthy of praise?

I know without a shadow of a doubt that every desire of mine HAS NOT been the will of GOD.  And in meditating on the idea that rejection is protection, I've been challenged to look differently at being denied my desires.  The picture has now become so much clearer: not getting what I want neither denies me an experience nor in any way indicates that I'm losing out on an opportunity.  In fact, my mind is being further renewed by the Word up through here to recognize that not receiving what I want is actually a blessing.

Too often we want things based upon the wrong ideas--those carnal-minded thoughts WE conjure up of how what we want will make our lives so much better.  The crazy thing is we've even learned how to dress up OUR desires in spiritual-looking clothes, so they can APPEAR to "look better" when we present them to GOD.  But what we fail to imagine is everything else that comes along with our "wants."  That's why I thank GOD that His thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9). GOD is marvelous alone in that He thinks of the things we overlook...  HALLELUJAH!  In Colossians 3:1-2, we're encouraged to not pursue those things which gratify the flesh.  We simply cannot afford to allow the things on the earth to become our focus.  (And I don't know who this is for...  But as I'm writing this, the Holy Spirit says, "If you get upset about NOT having what you want, then you wanted it to gratify the flesh."  WOW!!!)

My encouragement to you, friends, is this: when GOD says, "No," rest assured that it's ONLY because He has a better, "Yes," coming right up.  Don't focus on how you feel when rejection causes unpleasant emotions to surface.  That's part of being human.  Tap into the spirit and shift the focus of your thinking to praise.  Begin to offer thanksgiving unto GOD for the divine protection He's manifested on your behalf.  And don't forget to rejoice for the "YES" that's on the way!  Rejection is indeed protection in this season, and--no matter what others may say--there's absolutely nothing crazy about saying, "GOD, I thank You for making sure I didn't get what I wanted!"

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