
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lessons In Stewardship | 02.12.13

Early into a recent teaching ("I Want More" | 02.02.13) shared by my pastor, he said something very interesting: "An indication that you're ready for more is you being a good steward of what GOD has already given you."  Although it certainly was not my first time hearing anything of this nature, this time it resonated with me differently.  In this season of my life, I have more on my plate than ever and the Holy Spirit is still saying, "I've got more for you."  Of course, my mind is thinking, "Where else can more be fit? I'm swamped!"  Have you ever been there before, where it seems you've already bitten off more than you can chew and GOD is yet saying, "I've got more to give you"?

If anything, these kind of conversations with GOD force us to GROW UP--at least they do for me.  They make us take a long, hard look at what's working and what's not in our lives, so we can focus our time, energy and resources on those things that get results.  A primary part of good stewardship is being able to analyze one's current situation and make bold decisions that stimulate positive change.  If it means trimming the fat, then sharpen that knife and get to work.  Nothing gets done when we idly stand by in denial about our circumstances, hoping GOD will swoop in and make everything alright.  Since good stewards are good decision-makers, believing that GOD indeed has more for us means we must make the wisest choices possible concerning the allocation of our resources.  In other words, grow up...

In my case, I'm learning how to work smarter.  Time management is key to accomplishing the goals I have set.  Yes, I sacrifice quite a bit and to some my life comes across as one of "all work and no play"; but I've chosen to commit myself to the work GOD has given me.  My challenge is to become better at doing more in less time, which will require building a team of skilled, dedicated people to partner with me in realizing the vision I've been given.  I simply refuse to kill myself trying to do it all by myself.  As a highly independent person who has always had the "I'll just do it myself" mindset, part of my process in growing up has been learning to let go and commit the things I have developed and managed into the hands of other capable people.  It's not been easy by any stretch of the imagination, but it's forced me to also be a good steward of the help GOD sends, by recognizing and nurturing the gifts of people beside myself.  In training these individuals well, encouraging them to shine, and coaching them through the rough spots, I actually play a role in helping them grow up as I, too, grow up.


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