
Thursday, December 6, 2018

When You Feel Overwhelmed

Have you ever been in a place where the weight of your life's challenges seemed to be way too much to handle? It's probably safe to say that all humankind has experienced such feelings. In the midst of the heaviness, it can be seemingly difficult to cast your cares upon GOD in worship. But the one thing your opposition is counting on is you doubting what YOU can incite through worship.

Make no mistake about it, the very best thing to do WHENEVER you feel overwhelmed is to ascend in worship. Don't bother worrying about all that may be weighing on you in trying moments. Worrying solves nothing. Also, avoid rash decision-making born out of your flustered emotions. Emotional reactions change nothing. When overwhelmed, these sort of carnal-minded approaches only make YOU worse off... 

BUT when you choose to elevate your mind (i.e. your thinking) above the circumstances and begin to bless (i.e. speak well of) the LORD your GOD, something more advantageous happens... YOU change! Your perspective, your response, your attitude ALL change because NOW you're looking at those very same circumstances from a totally different angle than before. Worship literally shifts your line of sight from what has you feeling overwhelmed to the One whom those troubling circumstances must bow and become subject. 

Know that the upper hand has NO CHOICE but to be yours as an atmosphere-shifting worshipper of Yahweh. You being able to get past how you feel at any given moment and earnestly call for an uprising of GOD's glory WITHOUT musicians, a worship team or pastor is precisely what keeps you together away from whatever physical sanctuary wherein you worship corporately. PLEASE understand that your sanity depends on YOU--as a worshipper--being able to command atmospheres for yourself. Therefore, begin to decrease your dependence on those whom you have looked to as glory carriers. Start stirring up the gift of GOD within you, so the worshipping warrior you were redeemed to become rises up and releases the governing influence of Heaven in the earth. 

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