
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How to Keep Moving Forward Through the Storm

With life comes rainfall experiences. From the lightest sprinkles to the most torrential downpours. A friend of mine recently shared in her weekly inspirational message about the challenges of driving in the rain, which got me thinking about this in an interesting way. She noticed while driving through this heavy rain that some motorists had chosen to pull over, which suggested that their windshield wipers failed to clear the falling rain water fast enough for them to safely continue their journey. And so life can be when the rainy seasons of your life dump more on you than one can seemingly bear (or see beyond).

Rainy conditions will indeed challenge your visibility. And depending on the shape your wipers are in, you may not be able to see well enough to safely proceed to your destination. After all, given the great risk associated with moving forward while unable to clearly see what's ahead, a delayed arrival is better than not arriving at all. While sitting alongside life's highway watching the other vehicles passing by, you may even recall brushing off the need to get a fresh new set of windshield wipers to replace the now dull pair. As it's often said, hindsight is 20/20. So there's no point in being frustrated about it now. You just have to wait until the rain slacks up, however long that may be.

Here is where I'm going with all of this... One of the greatest advantages of enjoying a vibrant life of prayer and communion with your Heavenly Father is the way in which He improves your visibility despite the conditions. There is literally no amount of rainfall He cannot quickly clear from your windshield when He is allowed to provide for you. But a lack of prayer and communion with Him deceives you into believing that you can see things on our own--that is, until you find yourself parked on the shoulder of the road waiting for the storm to pass.

Be encouraged today to make prayer and communion with Yahweh a consistent part of your life with Him. Trust Him to be faithful in making sure you can always see the way, even under the worst of conditions. He will clear the rain from your view, so you can keep moving forward THROUGH the storm to your destination.

Stock photo by Matheus Bertelli (IG: @bertellifotografia) from Pexels

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