
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Show Me How To Get It For Myself

"You can't be my friend and NOT show me how to get it for myself." --Floyd Mayweather
As I recently watched video of a recorded conversation between boxing champion Floyd Mayweather and award-winning recording artist Snoop Dog, my attention was arrested upon hearing the above statement.  Mr. Mayweather was sharing that it was simply not enough to enjoy experiencing someone else's home, yacht or jet.  It was, in fact, more important to him that he learn how to get his own to enjoy.  But here's the kicker: look at how important it was that he gain access to this information...  In his mind, it is the granting of access that legitimizes the friendship!  There was no way Floyd Mayweather was going to regard ANYONE as friend who would rather showcase their prosperity than show him how to prosper as they have so done.  NOW THAT'S POWERFUL!  

Too often, we find ourselves merely admiring what others have attained AND feeling privileged for the opportunity to witness their prosperity.  But what good is experiencing someone else's prosperity and afterwards remaining clueless as to how they were able to come into such abundance?  Of course, everyone isn't interested in that kind of information because we all know people who would rather enjoy the privileges of others without the responsibility of securing and maintaining it themselves.  However, for those who desire to know, each encounter with another's abundance is seen as a life-changing learning opportunity

So it becomes incumbent upon us then to pull on the knowledge bases of those around us whose lives evidence greater abundance than our own.  If your friends and connections cannot (or will not) educate you on how to come up to where they are, then why invest such significant time in cultivating a relationship with them?  As I once heard it said, "Some people don't necessarily mean you any harm, but they don't mean you any good either... It's called dead weight. Remove it!" 

For most who read this post, your progress has been limited by the dead weight of unfruitful relationships.  Your life is distracted by people with whom you have been deceived into believing that you relate to some degree, when the truth is such relationships are rather lopsided and you have become satisfied with getting the short end of the stick.  As long as your admiration of their success doesn't inspire you to similarly succeed, they actually love having you around.  But the moment you realize that you, too, can manifest the same degree of abundance in your life (if not more), then THAT becomes a problem for them.  Get the picture?

I am reminded here of Messiah, who came to earth--as was prophesied by Isaiah--with the government of Heaven upon his shoulders (Isaiah 9:6).  His life was about much more than bringing eternal salvation to mankind.  Christ literally walked the earth teaching and showing people how to manifest the culture of Heaven.  It wasn't enough for Him to heal the sick, to work miracles, to cast out devils and to raise the dead.  It was His mission to train, equip and release His followers, His disciples to likewise do what they saw Him do and commit their knowledge of the same to other faithful believers. 

As my pastor, Apostle Erick D. Matthews, Sr. recently shared, the highest expression of love is to share access to your power with another person.  The scriptures indeed reveal how Messiah proved His love by sharing with His disciples the power to which He had access.  He imparted to them the Holy Ghost BEFORE his appointed time to die; and following his resurrection from the dead, Messiah commissioned them prior to His ascension to continue doing what they saw Him do (John 20:21-22; Matthew 28:18-20).  No wonder He regarded them as beloved friends!

You see, even Floyd Mayweather's drive to manifest abundance himself was not just motivated by a desire to personally have fine things he could enjoy experiencing whenever he wanted to.  In his mind, that extremely valuable knowledge could be passed on to the generations following him, so they could also learn how to create a life of abundance for themselves. 

When it comes to experiencing the "life more abundantly" of which Messiah spoke, it is important to understand that redemption grants mankind access to the very same power that raised Him from the dead (Romans 8:11)This power is the delegated, supernatural ability Yahweh has specifically given His redeemed to express the culture of His Kingdom in the earth.  Make no mistake about it, the Kingdom of Heaven affords its citizens a lifestyle of abundance.  But your access to Heaven's abundance is according to the degree of faith in which you choose to exercise the principles of transacting Kingdom business here on Earth

As a citizen of the Kingdom of GOD, you have an amazing opportunity to learn how to live and enjoy an abundant life.  Our Heavenly Father is not One who selfishly denies those whom He loves valuable insight into how we can experience on Earth what He enjoys in Heaven.  By faith, we can apply the wisdom and knowledge Yahweh imparts via His Spirit and His Word to expand our capacities to both receive and maintain the abundance characteristic of life in His Kingdom.  

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