
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Seven) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

As we conclude IGNORANCE in this post, we are near the end of this series.  The last couple of posts on (Part 5 and Part 6) on IGNORANCE have been extremely enlightening for me.  I pray that the eyes of your understanding have been enlightened, as well.  The more we meditate on GOD's Word and are willing to to be honest with ourselves, the more freely we can live in Christ.  Imprisonment is not our destiny as the redeemed of the Lord, and it's time we make that clear to ourselves and the enemy of our faith.

Imaginary Imprisonment #3 | IGNORANCE (cont.)

It's very important that we grasp an understanding before seeking opportunities to apply knowledge.  Amazingly enough, we cry out to GOD for wisdom in search of a shortcut; but there are no detours when it comes to walking in wisdom.  If wisdom is indeed applied knowledge, then we can certainly agree that it's nearly impossible to apply what we don't know.  Therefore, it would behoove us to not seek opportunities to apply knowledge of which we have little or no understanding because it could very well lead to disaster.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Six) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

This journey has been more amazing than I could have ever imagined.  It's certainly not been easy evaluating myself through these writings, but I hear the chains falling off and hitting the ground.  And for that, I'm most grateful.  Hopefully, these writings have been helpful in shining light on your own areas of imprisonment, as well.  It's GOD's desire that we live in the freedom to which He's called us.  I'm most definitely on my way there; and I pray you are, too.  So let's continue with IGNORANCE.  If you missed the beginning of IGNORANCE, check out the previous installment.

Imaginary Imprisonment #3 | IGNORANCE (cont.)

The last thing we ought to want is for GOD's hedge of protection to be removed from all He has blessed us to possess.  Just the mere thought of GOD rejecting us or forgetting our children, as it says in Hosea 4:6, because of ignorance on our part is extremely disheartening.  But before wondering why GOD would do such a thing, understand that it's not really Him doing it.  We're actually doing it to ourselves by bucking against the system.  It's just like getting a speeding ticket: the police officer merely issues the ticket, but we gave ourselves the citation by disobeying the law.  The consequences of our actions are in no way the result of an angry GOD getting back at us, but rather the systematic implications of disobeying the government of Heaven.  When we rebel against the U.S. government by breaking its laws, the judicial system MUST enforce the laws that we've agreed to abide by as citizens.  It's no different with Heaven's government.  Our disobedience to GOD's laws compromises the rights and freedoms we enjoy as Kingdom citizens.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Five) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

We're halfway through the four imaginary imprisonments.  Hopefully, the posts on apathy and mediocrity have been very thought provoking and challenging.  As we move into the second two imaginary imprisonments, it is my prayer that the Holy Spirit continues to enlighten us all on how we have been affected by the presence of these imaginary imprisonments in our lives.  

Imaginary Imprisonment #3 | IGNORANCE

Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge.  Since we're all ignorant of some things, ignorance in and of itself is not a sin.  But we must understand that what we don't know could very well kill us.  So it's important that we become knowledgable people because ignorance can be VERY frightening.  We know that GOD has not given us the spirit of fear (according to 2 Timothy 1:7), but it sure is easy for fear to arise when we lack knowledge.  This is why we must tap into what GOD has given us to combat fear: the spirits of power, love and sound (or clear) thinking, which all work cooperatively with knowledge.  Let's consider our own lives: when we're in the know, we feel capable of operating in a position of power, love and mental soundness, right?  Then let's aim to consistently be informed and more aware, which is what the Bible terms "walking circumspectly".

Friday, August 19, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Four) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

In the last installment, we started on the second imaginary imprisonment; and the following post will conclude "Mediocrity."  Prayerfully, you're being challenged by this series as I, too, have been.  It's not always easy coming face to face with our bondages, especially when they're not the obvious ones we hear preached about week after week.  These iniquities, if you will, tend to be the little foxes that spoil the vines of our thinking.  For it's in the battlefield of our minds that we must DAILY enforce Satan's defeat, which occurred when Jesus conquered death via the resurrection.  The curse of sin has been broken, our eternal victory has been secured and we are NOW FREE from every bondage of sin in our lives.  Hallelujah!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Three) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Before jumping into the second imaginary imprisonment, allow me to be transparent for a moment.  I'm no guru and I certainly don't have it all together.  So please don't mistake me for someone I'm not: I'm still freeing myself from these imaginary imprisonments.  But at the end of the day, truth is truth; so my struggle will not silence what the Holy Spirit desires to communicate through me.  As brothers and sisters in Christ, it is imperative for us to discuss these things; and through our communion, it is GOD's will that we hold each other up and facilitate each other's growth in grace.  So let's dive in to the next installment. (If you missed it, take a look at Part Two.)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Two) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Before I go any further, this blog series is based upon a message delivered by Katherine Arterberry in October 2009 during the Total Woman Conference at Greenwood Acres Full Gospel Baptist Church (Shreveport, LA).  Entitled "Free To Be," it has become one of my favorite messages of all time; and I listen to it rather frequently because it's so relevant to my continued growth as a Kingdom citizen.  It had been on my heart for some time now to blog on this topic, and I thank GOD that I have finally gotten around to it.  Moreover, just writing these posts has further increased my insight into these four imaginary imprisonments.  I pray the eyes of every reader's understanding are also enlightened by these words.  (If you haven't already, feel free to read Part One.)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part One) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day


One of the most remarkable things about being a Christian is the fact that GOD has set me free from every bondage of sin that I inherited from Adam.  Understanding that I was born a sinner with a penchant for engaging in ungodly behavior makes me even more grateful for the blood of Jesus being shed for me along with its power to free me from the grip of sin.  No longer do I have to be under the influence of sin because I am NOW free to be whom GOD has purposed, created and called me to be.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Be Patient | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

I was quite inspired on yesterday by the words Bishop Daryl S. Brister shared on Facebook:
"Patience is refined in trying times, when you're frustrated with the waiting and tempted to act outside of God's will.  Always seek His wisdom, and follow the instruction you receive. Remember that 'those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength' (Isa. 40:31)."
Honestly, these trials of late have truly refined my own patience.  And since patience is listed among the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 as "longsuffering," it's certainly something that should be outwardly seen as a byproduct of the presence of GOD's Spirit within us believers.  When we manifest patience, we begin to showcase our GOD and the culture of His Kingdom in highly noticeable ways to others.  For example, I've even noticed how differently I behave now in a slow-moving store checkout line than the average person. Yes, I'm in a hurry and have things to do just like everyone else; but I also understand that exhibiting a poor attitude or speaking negatively won't hurry things either.  And furthermore, it certainly won't make anyone want to inquire further of me about the GOD I serve.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

To Prophesy Or Not | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

We are living in a very peculiar time.  More and more people are starting ministries, places of worship are popping up everywhere, and it seems like everyone serving in ministry has a title in front of their birth names. It's perplexing, to say the least, because there's an undercurrent moving throughout the Body of Christ that's very reminiscent of Old Testament times.  One such misnomer is that of spiritual gifts and the idea that only certain people can operate in them.

A couple of Sundays back, I was privileged to hear a message delivered by Pastor Joel Scrivner (Youth & Young Adult Pastor, Covenant Church), entitled "Moved By The Spirit."  I particularly enjoy hearing Pastor Joel minister the Word of GOD because he always brings a message of great relevance to the Body.  In this particular message, Pastor Joel stressed the importance of being the supernatural people GOD created us to be.  He placed special emphasis this particular session on operating in the spiritual gift of prophecy, which is something the average Christian believes only "certain" people can do.

NEWSFLASH: EVERY BORN AGAIN BELIEVER CAN PROPHESY.  It's time we get past prophecy being "spooky" and embrace the fact that GOD has made prophecy very natural to us who have been born again after the incorruptible seed of the Spirit.  To prophesy is to simply speak from divine counsel.  It's as basic as us talking to our Father and saying what He's said to us.  Before ruling this out as impossible or not as easy as it sounds, consider this: just as we're confident in speaking on behalf of the people with whom we spend a significant amount of time and claim to know well, it's no different with GOD.  We can have this same confidence to speak on GOD's behalf through our own thriving fellowship with Him in the Spirit.

Furthermore, beyond every believer's GOD-given ability to prophesy, the reason why it's such a big deal that we do so is because GOD wants us to be like Him.  When GOD wants something done, He speaks it.  We see the pattern for this in the very first words of the Bible (Genesis 1).  Therefore, it is essential for every believer to develop the kind of fellowship with our Father that emboldens us to confidently mimic His behavior in order to maximize our effectiveness in the Kingdom-building work to which we've all been called.  It doesn't matter what your venue, platform or sphere of influence may be because GOD wants YOU to be the SUPERNATURAL YOU right there.  You don't have to be A pulpit minister, a traveling evangelist or any manner of church title holder.  You are equipped for GOD's use in the area you're in now.