
Monday, January 30, 2012

Becoming the Being | 01.30.2012

There is something to be said about being consistent.  The predictability that is characteristic of consistency IS NOT a bad thing.  As a matter of fact, it's crucial to the effectual availing of ourselves for the King's use.  Yes, the gifts and calling of GOD come without repentance (Romans 11:29); but that's certainly no excuse for being inconsistent.  Our problem is that we've become more comfortable with having the gifts and calling than we are with having the power required to effectively operate in them.  And since inconsistency is an indicator of disobedience, GOD is not interested in authorizing (or granting authority to) those who aren't willing to "become".

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Peace of GOD Guards (Part 2 of 2) | 01.29.2012

The following post is a continuation of yesterday's blog...

GOD knows that we're thoughtful creatures (in that our minds are filled with all kinds of thoughts), so he instructs us through the Apostle Paul on what we SHOULD BE thinking about.  The very next verse in this passage (Philippians 4:8) lists all the things we should be thinking on as a result of the peace of GOD keeping our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Just picture this: the peace of GOD as an armed soldier standing at the gate of our hearts and minds only allowing the things that are true, honest, just, pure, love and of good report entrance into our hearts and minds.  THAT'S WHY WE NEED TO PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, FOLKS!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Peace of GOD Guards (Part 1 of 2) | 01.28.2012

At the request of my dear friend Necole, my blog today is a continuance of a status update I posted on Facebook on Wednesday (01/23/12):
"Elton Taylor believes that there's no need to be anxious when we've prayed and cast our cares upon the LORD.  It's when we don't pray and make our requests known to GOD that we feel like a bundle of nerves."
When I posted this, I was literally facing a situation that INSTANTLY turned me into a bundle of nerves at first.  The anxiety was highly uncomfortable and it quickly became clear that I had a choice to make.  I could either suffer in anticipation of what was about to happen, or be at peace despite whatever was lying ahead.  In fact, it's times like these that test who we are and what we're made of.  As far as Christianity goes, right here is where the rubber meets the road in the walk of faith.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Grace in the Workplace | 01.17.2012

I am grateful for the favor of GOD today.  Even when facing seemingly impossible circumstances, GOD sends hope in the form of fellow Kingdom citizens who don't know you...but know you, if you get my drift.  It's not so much that they know you, but rather that they know the Holy Spirit who dwells in you because the same Holy Spirit also dwells in them.  When your life feels turned upside down, there's no telling who you'll run into or have to deal with.  But thanks be to GOD for divine providence--the provision of GOD--being manifested with superhero precision just when we need it most.

As people of faith in the workplace, we never know WHO we'll meet on any given day in our respective lines of work.  We never know who will cross our paths in need of a kind word, a little sympathy or some further assistance.  I was recently blessed to make the acquaintance of such an individual, whose compassion for my own situation nearly brought me to tears because it was as if I was hearing the voice of GOD coming through this person's lips.  It was clear that this individual was not only a Christian but a person of great faith who carried a powerful mantle for ministry without coming across as an extremist.  The grace which I was extended was the reminder I needed that, no matter how bad the situation appeared, GOD was right there with me.

It makes me wonder how many times have I been just that for someone I encountered on my job?  Can someone recall ever having such an experience with me as I was fulfilling my roles and responsibilities at work?  Has anyone ever had an experience so powerful with me that it brought them the comfort and reassurance of knowing that GOD Almighty was with them in their time of despair?  Many times we wait till service on Sunday morning or at midweek to minister, but we spend more time at our places of employment than we do at church.  We don't need a title or a pulpit to minister to people.  The simple fact that GOD allows people to daily cross our paths in the places we spend most of our time is all the ministry platform we need.  After experiencing such a great manifestation of GOD's grace, I am compelled now more than ever for my lips to be the passageway for GOD's voice as well as my words to minister comfort and reassurance to those in the midst of turmoil as I work.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Matching Heaven's Frequency (Part 2 of 2) | 01.09.12

Heaven's frequency grants us access to the yoke destroying power of the anointing that we so desperately need (Isaiah 10:27).  But it's not enough to just find it--we must create a duplication of Heaven's sound right here in the earth.  WE have to become the amplifier from which the sound of Heaven is audibly heard in the earth realm.  In other words, we need to see ourselves as the conduits through which the sound of the eternal unseen world enters into time.  This creates an avenue or thoroughfare, if you will, for the condition of Heaven to invade the condition of Earth and fulfill the purposes of the Almighty.  And because the Spirit of GOD dwells inside of the redeemed, every born again believer has the capability to do this--not just the singers and musicians.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Matching Heaven's Frequency (Part 1 of 2) | 01.08.12

As worshippers, it should be our earnest desire to see a manifestation of GOD's glory EVERY time we enter into worship.  Whether we be in a public or private setting, our time of worship should result in a divine visitation of GOD's Spirit.  Otherwise, we've wasted our time. After all, there's just simply no point in performing ACTS of worship without encountering GOD DURING the worship.  And that goes for everyone, not just the singers and musicians who have been tasked with leading the worship in our corporate gatherings.

In order to see a manifestation of GOD's power as we worship, it's imperative that we engage Him with this intention in mind.  Sadly, we've become so engrossed in the entertainment value of skilled musicianship and vocal performance that we have become comfortable NOT experiencing GOD.  Let's be honest: people have real problems, for which entertainment only provides escapism.  However, it's the much-needed encounter with Heaven that provides solutions to the problems that slowly squeeze the life out of us.  Therefore, when encountering Heaven, we must dismiss our souls' desire for entertainment and press in to the unseen spiritual realm.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Proof Is In The Power | 01.07.12

During the Christmas holiday, I had the wonderful privilege of traveling with my parents to New Orleans to spend time with my extended family.  While there, I was blessed to visit the church that I call home because it's where I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior during my teenage years.  The Life Center Cathedral in New Orleans is a very special place to me, and I was so glad to see everyone there.  Bishop J. Douglas Wiley delivered a message on Christmas morning entitled "A Difficult Path To a Merry Christmas" from 2 Corinthians 8:9, a major point of which was:
"Jesus proved that GOD owns everything by multiplying food, ceasing storms and raising the dead."

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Joy at Midnight | 01.05.12

A few Sundays ago, my pastor (Erick D. Matthews Sr.) delivered a message entitled "The Revelation of Faith."  I won't even attempt to dissect this powerful message in one blog post, but I felt compelled to share the one thought that jumped out at me:
"GOD turns situations around late in the midnight hour because weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.  Midnight is morning--it's 12:00AM!  Even though it's dark, continue to walk by faith the path GOD already ordained for your feet in eternity.  For it's the entrance of GOD's Word that brings light.  So let the Word of GOD light the way."

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Pressing of Testing | 01.02.12

The Word for last year was that 2011 would be the year of testing, and every bit of that Word manifested just as the Spirit stated.  There were moments of success as well as failure, but GOD remained consistent despite our own inconsistencies.  And for that, I'm truly grateful.  GOD saw to it that we made it through the rigors of 2011 because He has greater in store for us in 2012.  HALLELUJAH!

During worship this past Sunday morning, the Holy Spirit plainly spoke to me regarding the New Year:  "The year of testing was indeed pressing, but the pressing is releasing fresh oil in the New Year."  There is a greater outpouring of GOD's anointing being released for 2012 because of the pressing in 2011.  And by "greater" I mean a "more potent" outpouring than had before.  It's not that GOD's power has become more potent.  The year of testing has better enabled us to carry a more potent anointing than before.  Therefore, the year of testing that seemed so unbearable has actually been worth it because we have left 2011 more powerful than we were at its onset.

Truly the effectual, fervant prayers of the righteous availeth much because one doesn't just skate through the year of testing.  However, there's something to be said about going through the rigors of "the process."  Designed to refine HOW we worship, the year of testing has better prepared us to wield the power that "the process" yields.  GOD is all about empowering His people to succeed at whatever tasks He places in front of us, no matter how impossible the work may seem.  And empowered people operate with the boldness, confidence and assurance that literally commands the desired results to manifest.  So as we enter 2012, may all we do be done in the power of the anointing released in the pressing of 2011.